Alternate to blue (soft) Bones Bushings

The soft Thunders might be your best bet. They’re obvs made for the trucks so won’t affect the geometry.

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Blown out bones (rear lower bushing)

New thunder soft 90a (came with the jazzy cups/nut)

They squeak though. Will see what happens after a couple sessions.

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Hella red

@Mark is that the nasa construction deck? Where is the review?!

The state of that sticker job. Jesus.


Stickers under wheels is a fucking disgrace.

You’d be surprised, because the slick is textured the stickers just fall off, those are the ones that have clung on

Thought I’d get more grief for the risers TBH

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They are bad.

They are also cheaper than buying a new set of hi’s

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I’ve skated Ace 33’s / 44’s literally since they dropped so I don’t know anything about truck height anymore haha.

It’s bizarre, since riding lows my pop is non existent, I used to have pretty good pop. So instead of forking out for a new set thought I’d just try whacking in risers

So far no difference, but it’s only been a couple sessions

I was at our skate park launch party and there was someone with 1” risers or that’s at least how thick they looked. Death deck, Indy trucks, worn down wheels and 1” thick risers

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I use those bushings in my thunders. They don’t squeak for me (or if they did they have stopped)

Think we’re using the same trucks (with risers too)

Good setup :blush:

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1" is fucking massive, only ever seen them on off-road board

I remember 1/2” was totally standard in the 80s

There are many alternates to blue soft bones bushings. Theres yellow medium bones bushings and black hard bones bushings. Doh-dohs come in lots of colours with wacky characters! In fact many companies make their own bushings! Shop around!

I hope you find your alternate to blue soft bones bushings and you find this comment helpful.


My mate had the yellow Bones bushings in his Thunders and he had his trucks super loose so maybe worth a try,

I’ve been skating with risers since EE3 came out. After decades on the 1/8 ones I recently switched to the 1/16 ones and am currently seeing how they feel on various setups. I don’t care if they’re cool or not, I’m a big guy and need them.

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I had the yellows skated them for about 10 mins, they’re too tight for me, even with bolt hanging off. My trucks are super loose, you can make them wheel rub using just your finger and thumb

I’ll tell you what happened: it was a fucking car crash

Went for a skate last night, couldn’t steer, the thunder bushings were nowhere near loose enough, I was all over the place. Binned them and switched back to the bones. And removed stickers :joy: