I remember this having a bigger box than everything else.
Mine’s in a normal cardboard box, although it’s not quite the same as the one in the thumbnail there.
Ahh maybe I’m thinking of a different video. Definitely from the same era.
Pretty sure mine was similar as the one in the thumbnail.
Easter 97, 15 years old, first trip without the parents, off to Paris with a mate.
Bought this at Street Machine with a pair of Kastel Ronnie Bertinos. Couldn’t believe how good that Penny section was. That line in Huntington Beach, with the 5-0 180 out on the curved ledge… Salim Krim (Samir’s brother) took us all over the city centre for an all-day street skate. So welcoming. I was skating that Prime Caine Gayle board, the one Clyde skates in that legendary fakie front crooks picture. Green cargos. Shorty’s Black Magic hat. First cigarettes. Not a care in the world.
That was pretty much exactly 27 years ago and I remember it all so well. I sometimes listen to that Sadat X song again and it reminds me of how pumped I was during that trip. Thank you skateboarding.
May have been Real - ‘Kicked out of Everywhere’ ? That was released around 18 months after the TSA video and that came in a gigantic box for some reason.
True. I remember that.
I remember seeing a couple of snowboard videos that came with CDs of the video soundtrack. Always thought that was a great idea.
So did the DLX video, also 1999.
Oh yeah, that was Worldwide or something along those lines, eh. The one when the Stereo logo had changed and they went a bit hesh - music, JR Nieves and Dollin (possibly) and some Burnside footy. It was a bit of a switch up from Stereo’s previous deal and not really what I was expecting. I don’t remember much else about it.
I was thinking of this…
Life in the fast lane was better.
Now I remember, Arcade video came in a big box too.
I spoke to Ray Meyers recently (Santa Cruz freestyle pro) who was there.
His account was equally mind-blowing
At a loose end? Twiddling your thumbs? Blazed? Give these skate trivia videos a go. You can simultaneously collect imaginary cash, annoy people around you by shouting out the answers and come to the realisation that much of your brain has been taken up with useless wooden toy facts.
I did the 90’s and got everything except
Markovich in the Prime video and a couple of video titles (Foundation and Baker bootleg)
- edited by spanky as I wanted to watch the vids
Sorry for spoiling