Concrete Reality (architecture &/or skateboarding)

Which has reminded me of this!


Tough to peer through those windows…so dark in there. I tried.

This is the UK spot I am most bummed about never having skated…looks incredible.


Perfect transition, and with pool coping too!

Yep, never did get down there even though I was skating in Brum fairly often in the mid 90s. When did they go, must have been mid to late 90s?

I think the spot you are referring to is the Law Court bank/ quarter spot

image image

The Droitwich ones look to have been infinitely better.


When I see architecture like this I can’t help but think, what was the point of it, if not to skateboard on.

I wonder if there is an actual, quantifiable effect that skateboarding has had on architects over the last 40 years that prevents stuff like this from being built anymore.

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There was that interview with the vampire article about the architect who was charged designing outdoor plaza furniture that was inviting for the non skater but unskatable, pretty difficult task as any form of skate stopper generally makes things un-inviting.

What’s the skatepark at 2:40?

Oh shit! Thats the OG Meanwhile 1.
So rough but it was fun…

Manzoori was probably the last person to have a photo there. Maybe in his 86400 sidewalk piece…


Wow! His backside air. Of course.

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I was just trying to find it, but can wait for the SvL post in a few days. ha ha.

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Need to leave it a while after today’s!

I think that shot was an interview outtake, and it ran later in an article about the spot…? @anonymity?

I think it was in there but was run fairly small.

The sequence of him airing out of the bowls over the stairs?

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It was a still of a backside/method out of a quarterpipe. I can find it later. Was it a sequence in the interview?

No, that setup with the stairs was Meanwhile 1 v2. Around late 1999, the old spot was demolished and the new 3 bowl setup was put in for early 2000.


Meanwhile Gardens/Meanwhile 1 (Westbourne Park)

Meanwhile Gardens/Meanwhile 1 v2 circa 2000
This version sometimes gets called Meanwhile III.

Meanwhile II (Royal Oak)

Meanwhile II v2


There was also a Meanwhile III which I think went in about '83. I know fuck all about it other than that and that it was possibly closer to Maida Vale/Kilburn.


The thread that keeps on giving.

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There was another modular effort built with the same spec as Meanwhile 2 over in Vauxhall. It had two roll over lips rather than the one grindable side like the Royal Oak one. It was on some kind of derelict/bomb site accessible via a gap in some houses. My RAD mags are stashed too deep to have a dig for but if some one has any to hand you’ll find it listed in the Where? guide. I only skated it a few times, more for curiosity’s sake than anything else. I don’t know why but it just felt sketchy and was always deserted.

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