Emoji Quizes

5 One Louder?

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YES! All got.

I’ve never heard of one louder or donut duty. :no_mouth:

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Sonic Skateboards video and a Thrasher vid.

  1. :end:
  2. :2nd_place_medal: :clock2: :latin_cross: :woman: :latin_cross:
  3. :inbox_tray: :sunflower:
  4. :clock4: :clock1: :clock1: :hash: :1st_place_medal:
  5. :cherries:
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The easy ones

  1. The End
  2. Cherry

2: Second to None
3: In Bloom
4. 411 issue one

Wallop. All correct

1: :woman: :candy:
2: :control_knobs: :tshirt: :gorilla:
3: :+1: :point_right:
4: :camera_flash: :woman_singer: :camera_flash: :tropical_fish: :tropical_fish:
5: :ocean: :ok_hand: :grey_question:

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1.pretty sweet

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  1. Celebrity tropical fish
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*Celebraty, but yep! Nice one.

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  1. Mix tape
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  1. Yeah right
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Smashing it. Thought Mix T Ape might be too tricky…

Number five is kind of a joke, but still gettable.

Im sat in my van trying to drag the day out so I dont have to go and work round the public!
Is the last emoji on the last one meant to be a question mark or is my phone just not showing it??

It is a question mark. A question…?

1.) :books:
2.) :red_circle: :antarctica:
3.) :baguette_bread: :lollipop:

  1. Non-fiction?

Fraid not