In the news thread

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Victim , clearly


Iā€™d never heard of Tim Pool but I googled his name and found out he has a massive house with its own private indoor skatepark. How much money is he making? If I say nice things about Vladimir Putin, will he buy me one too?

Think Vlads cash ship has sailed mate

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I accidentally queued a tim pool podcast and it took some doing to get shot of it, quite disappointing you canā€™t hide or remove podcasts from suggestions etc.

I hope he gets some serious jail time.

gifted haters smug little grin is gonna be even more hilarious when he drops his next video


Cannot WAIT for his reaction to this.

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Iā€™m not sure, is this all properly criminal or just shady? I do hope he does get done

Depends how far they want to push it for interfering with the 2024 election, which is what the US is claiming.
I guess he wouldnā€™t really be up for jail time, the owners of the media group maybe, if found guilty?
I can imagine the us government wanting to make a real example of things to dissuade future outside interference?

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Genuine lol for that description.

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Itā€™s up (on the Patreon)!


The second one yer?

Ah i coughed up a fiver. Feel like he didnā€™t go in that hard but then again the guy has done a number on himself anyway so thereā€™s no real need. Bit of a ā€œok, nextā€ vibe

The most horrific thing
[Woman tells trial of husband who invited men to rape her: ā€˜I was sacrificed on altar of viceā€™ Woman tells trial of husband who invited men to rape her: ā€˜I was sacrificed on altar of viceā€™ | France | The Guardian](Woman tells trial of husband who invited men to rape her: ā€˜I was sacrificed on altar of viceā€™ Woman tells trial of husband who invited men to rape her: ā€˜I was sacrificed on altar of viceā€™ | France | The Guardian)

The strength of Gisele is unworldly.

Itā€™s a bizarre story - and theyā€™re both in their 70s. And around 50 men were involved. Itā€™s like Deliverance, French-style.

Been trying to avoid that one.

I just read about a new school textbook that was published in Ireland with the aim of making the Irish more outward-looking and tolerant of diversity. But it ended up insulting the Irish as potato-eating jig-dancing ginger inbreds, and it got withdrawn.

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Right, so losds of tory fucks going to prison then? As if


curious with the BBC findings on breaking impartiality in regards to Israel. i wonder what the results would be if they checked BBC stories about the Ukraine - Russia conflict

iā€™m more than happy for the BBC to have anti-aggressor stories when there are wars on