Instagram Blowouts

Where else could you shoot it from? I’m guessing that the bushes would obscure the rail/trick if shot from the other side. Obvs it’s a cover worthy stunt, so it needs to be shot portrait.

Front crooks/noseslides on rails always look cool shot from the top of the stairs, this shot is so wicked:


That looks 1000% gnarlier than the Foy el toro photo


Just had a moment thinking ‘yeah, I remember that cover’ then look at the date of the issue and its nearly 27 years ago… :face_holding_back_tears:


Classic head-on so you could see it was a crook would be the obvious choice. I’m a big fan of fs crooks shot from behind, so you can see the pinch obvs

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I remember buying that issue in my teens and line drawing (copying) the cover with a pencil cos i thought the way it was framed was so cool.

That all white fit is gnarly too!

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YUP Foy cover should have been shot from above and behind. Maybe Atiba is just a bit lazy.

That’s certainly a legends only look, the likes of Kirchart and Penny spring to mind.

I wonder if that was Alf’s or the photographers choice for the pic.

Yes he did

How does this work again now?

I’ll try fixing it if I get a chance

But I probably won’t get a chance for 2 or 3 weeks, slammed with childcare duties at the moment

Emerica in 0121


That Spanky photo is wicked

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cor, that spot looks amazing

PJ skatepark crispness

i could watch PJ Ladd skate all day. his control is still precise and springy, pure mastery


The switch fs flip at the start of that clip is magnificent.

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No idea who tf anyone is these days


I know who that is!


I have no idea who anyone is either. My mate used to take the piss because I knew who everyone rode for too.