Instagram Blowouts

said it once, will say it again, narrow boards just look better


That is a particularly good example. Iā€™d just say people have taken the bigger boards thing too far in the last few years but each to their own :man_shrugging:

Foy and Zion are the type of skaters that make big boards fine. it works well for their type of handrail destruction. otherwise iā€™ll always prefer that 90s style

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Looks like a pair of Recon, the first DC hiking boot, but I bet itā€™s definitely not.

I nearly posted exactly the same thing, did you see that golden era collector post too? That kid is also wearing lynx so I reckon they might well be recons

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Wow. I didnā€™t. I had a pair of those (or maybe the other ones - Stevie was chilling in the ad anyway) at the time and loved them so much I was scared to even wear them. Wore them a couple of years ago to go up a hill for some stupid fucking reason (wearing those, and going up the hill in the first place) and obviously the glue had gone.

You canā€™t tell here but the sole was hanging off. This photo is like when they put make up on a corpse.

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There were 2 different ones out at the time iirc, think I got both pairs and they lasted forever. So good.

I recall my Recon came from HSC.

I wish I still had them but Iā€™ve got a pair of perfect swishy cargo DC trousers (with the five-pointed star) that I always thought would be worth keeping too. Thatā€™s from when you could smoke in pubs and clubs so thereā€™s no way theyā€™d have survived, hence ā€˜stockingā€™ rather than ā€˜rockingā€™ but I canā€™t imagine anybody caring much about them now, and I donā€™t really want to wear them because Iā€™ve got almost exactly the same thing except with a nowadays company name on them, annoyingly.

I feel like Iā€™m about to jettison a lot of old gear.

Only old gear Iā€™ve got is a shortys muska rising sun t-shirt someone was giving away on a group for postage. I just have it hanging it my wardrobe. Probably never going to wear it.

that dude goldeneracollector buys a lot of stuff, might be an idea hitting him up

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The other was called the Navigator which looks really quite nice.

unnamed (1)



I moved from 7.5 to 7.75 about a decade ago because it was increasingly difficult to find good shapes for smaller decks. Otherwise its all good

Might get a 7.75 too seems fun.

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Only time I bought anything bigger than 7.75 I flogged it to Hugo because I couldnā€™t deal with it.

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Iā€™ve got a 7.87 you can have for postage costs. Itā€™s a Magenta board, still plenty of life in it.


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