Skateboardle video quiz (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

First guess. Peak Transworld.

First clip only showed a 5.0 for me?

Got it 4th with that perfect Carrol line though

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But Marc and Brian were not yet on Crailtap at this point. Was Ty even working for them when he made this? Feel like this is the video which brought them all together.

That’s all I need baby. :sunglasses:

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Got it in two. Its the first one ive ever managed to get :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah and Biebel is also rocking Expedition gear

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Am sure this is an easy one for a lot of people. Right company but just potshots into the wind for me.

2nd go. Seem to remember the skatepark footage was a bit controversial upon release


3rd go.

Austin Stephens really phones it in in this. Also just realised on rewatching it that there’s footage in the credits of the leg break which basically ended Ed’s pro career.

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First try. Easy one today imo. Good vid!

Second go. Can never remember the names of Toy Machine videos apart from the obvious two.

4th guess today. Silas riding a Stereo board in the first clip?!

Looks like a Shimizu pro board.

Not a hope in hell. Random potshots into the soup of Transworld videos were my guesses.

First try. Good PJ in this one!

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Hey folks, it’s been an honor and a pleasure, but it’s time for me to take a little break soon.


Thank you for your service. :saluting_face: This has been a mega fun game but I appreciate you need to be a dad. If only Thrasher or someone could buy it from you, like the NY Times did with Wordle.

4th guess today. What a weird video. Prod skating to Limp Bizkit featuring Method Man.

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I recognised Jimmy Chadwick but the company/vid I’d never seen.

Understand your reasons for pausing the game and don’t blame you. I have 2 kids and didn’t have time to take off a plaster covering a vaccine shot for 3 weeks


Fantastic game that highlighted how many videos I’d never seen haha!

Being a dad is no joke so all the best!

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Massive shame that it’s coming to an end up completely understandable. It’s been a fun few months! Thanks for the daily effort @skateboardle_dev :heart:

4th try today.