The Lazy Twitter Thread

Don’t interrupt your enemy when their making a mistake.


I was at a party once and met a German guy, we were smoking and having a laugh, he asked me if I’d been to Berlin, I was a bit drunk and said no but my granddad did. He sort of laughed but I kind of tried to backtrack a bit, saying well maybe they’d be glad we were on good terms now. He was like, nah my grandad was SS, never gave up the dream.
Served me right I guess for being a smart arse

Edit - I can’t find the post this was in response to, posting on my phone is hard work sometimes

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Destined to be a classic


That is amazing

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How shit was he at stealing that bike hahahaha


Hey, that’s his job.


Is the video actually real? Noticed people have been setting up seemingly real situations for content and engagement. I have been on the internet too long, I can’t trust anything anymore.


I keep seeing fake podcast clips where influencers are dishing out Btec philosophy and wisdom like it’s off the cuff to an obviously empty room. Truly bizzarre.

Bike clip is amazing !

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It probably is fake tbh. I’ve seen so many videos recently that, no reason at all to believe they’re not real but they’re staged. There’s a British guy who makes loads of them, staged arguments with random “strangers” about menial nonsense. Fucking shitty thing to be adding to the world imo, it doesn’t help anyone


US politics is wild

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That’s is so shocking.
I can’t get my head around the USA being a country where free speech is defended so vehemently that a person can say such racist things without a flinch, or fear of prosecution.

Is that better or worse? Meaning, is it better or worse if such opinions are veiled behind political rhetoric open to people’s interpretation? Or, clear as day?

I think what I’m trying to rationalize is how free can free speech be?

I mean I guess its easy to know where people stand so you can completely avoid them for ever more in life.

Clear as day horrible piece of shit.


That’s pretty much how I stand with it too.

It’s like when people reveal their true selves, for example that colleague with the “I’m not racist but …” remarks, I place that mental black cross next to their name for future reference not to associate with them.


Last week a mate of my business partners came in as he does quite often and went on a really shitty rant about “paki’s”. I often overlook his milder racism to keep the peace as he’s such a pussy that he keeps it to places where he feels safe, so he’s harmless and contained (still not acceptable in any form I know) but this time I lost it with him, he scuttled off with me screaming at him. He’s now threatening to come back in and beat me up with his brother. I can’t fucking wait honestly, whatever the outcome.
Trouble is, he’s the most typical lad/boy/man you can imagine, there are millions of his kind. Just parroted rhetoric with no sense or knowledge, mind controlled perfectly to keep this country in the mess we’re in but no, it’s those forgieners that are the problem, not white braindead bellbuckets!
No one can fix this country or the world, we’re all just gonna keep fighting each other.


I used to be ‘I might not like what you have to say but I’ll defend your right to say it.’

These days I’m like, bring me your research, sources, the educated and intelligent reasoning behind it + two strong character references and maybe I’ll listen to you.



Like something out of a Julia Donaldson book!

As the Sun sets over the emerald lagoon
Look out for crocodile with his buddy Raccoon
They ride together in search of hijinks
Raccoon rides on top while Croc gently swims


Wallopers - Ex home secretary twice removed goes point scoring asking “why are you hiding your face” on the one news channel that given half the chance would sling her on a flight to Rwanda that she championed in the first place if it helped their ratings in the 45-75 year old racist wife beater demographic


What a pair of patronising arseholes Braverman and Partridge Jr are.

I’m also impressed at how everybody just stayed silent.

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