Wheel help

I skate the 101 F4s and they aren’t grippy at all. Even at my slow speed I was slipping all over the shop on the tarmac at dadlands

I can’t speak for the 101a version. Harder is almost always more slippery. As I say I ride the 99a and 97a versions. I’ve never ridden spfs either but people often say they’re fast and slidey

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I realise we’ve taken this all way off topic from the original post and this is all probably more talk for the Equipment thread anyhow

Ah yeah, I completely forgot the OP.

To the OP, when you’re starting off wheel shapes are probably not going to make much difference, especially in a smooth skatepark. If you’re going to pick up some wider wheels then Crupie do some wider shapes, and they’re good quality for about £30.

Thanks guys for all the information and advice
I enjoy reading all the posts even if it’s off topic