Would knee pads with shin pads attached be too much?

You want as little restriction as possible.
Personally, I’d say this is over the top.

Thanks I thought so will need try to nip to sports direct at weekend for some normal ones

Have you no local skateshop that can hook you up and advise you properly?
What are you going to be skating? Ramp or street?

I’d say wrist guards are probably more essential. Shin and wrist guards if you’re just street skating.

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Ask RadRat.

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One thing I’d recommend to ANYONE, of any skill level, is to learn how to shoulder roll:

I learnt this whilst doing ju jitsu and have not since fucked my wrists, ever. Most skaters do not know how to fall forwards properly, they just use their wrists to break their fall. This technique means you roll up, along your forearm and across your back, and pop up back onto your feet, rather than skidding on hands and knees and injuring your wrists.

After learning this I’ve not since hurt my wrists or skinned a knee in 20 years.

Same for falling backwards:

It would help you massively to get the muscle memory for doing this before you start as it stops you whiplashing and cracking your head on the floor if you fall back.

Both techniques look a bit over the top if you’re only going slow (is mostly applicable for street skating) and people have taken the piss out of me before but fuck it, have had no injured wrists or head lumps in last 20 years!

I did Ju Jitsu as a kid and these are about the first thing you are taught.
These techniques have served me well when required.

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I’d like to learn the shoulder roll. My technique is usually 1/2 wheelbarrow race, 1/2 face plant.


No skateshop unfortunately. Currently just streets skating / in empty car parks and very small hills in parks trying to get turns and going in straight lines sorted

When i get going even a little fast it is is quite scary atm :rofl:

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I wouldn’t necessarily worry about shin protection if you’re just rolling about.
You will soon get the hang of it.
Each time you go out it will seem less alien to you and before you know it you will be piloting your board around while barely paying attention to what it’s doing but instead you can focus on where you are going.

I’ve never injured my shins skating. Over the years I’ve broken both ankles, and my pelvis, and my arm, and I’ve cracked several ribs, and been knocked out. I skate vert so I do knee slides all the time. Because of this I wear a helmet, ankle braces and big knee pads with gaskets, but shin pads have never been a necessity

That’s a difference between street and ramp skating.
My shins are peppered with evidence of old gouges.
My first was learning manual to kickflips.
This would be on my first board, the acid tongue Grosso.
I would have been about 12 or 13 and pretty small.
That board was big.
I remember manualing, then flipping into primo but landing not with my feet on the board but balanced on the edge of it on my shins.

Same but it’s never really done anything except fucking knacker when I’ve hit my shins. It’s formative!

Learning casper flips in 93. The profile of my shins look like a bread knife.

Skateboarding’s supposed to hurt.


I’d love to skate vert but EU bureaucrats took our ramp away when they realised we’d built it in feet and inches :frowning_face:


The bloody EU!!! British vert ramps for British skaters!!!

Take back cont-rock ‘n’ roll.

The British invent vert ramps, that is a historical fact. There’s no real evidence for it, but it’s historical fact.

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Send the Euro gaps back. Wembley gaps are ok.