10% off everything and free delivery from Legacy Skate Store

Use discount code: UKSF10

What it says in the title. Free delivery as well. Wallop.


Not that I’d want to take anything away from the fine folks at Legacy
And finding fault with Jon Horner’s work is the last thing I want to do
However, that banner across the top of the forum sure does negate any ‘stealth’ you get from the work-lurk viewing options
“Why does your SEO Pro page have a cartoon about skate nerds at the top of the page?”

Sorry Ron
Sorry Jon

(ps - you two should get together and open a surf shop in Florida, you’d make a killing on stickers alone)

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I did think that also, i thought the work one would’ve switched the ads off


Good point. Will sort soon.

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Damn that was quick work. Nice one Spanky.

can’t get this to work - did I miss the boat?


@roncalow should be able to help. Reminds me Ron I thinkI got to take your banner down!

ok cheers - it’s £3.20 we’re talking about so the stakes are pretty high

Hey I’ll reactivate. Give me 5. Promotion was only supposed to run for a month. I suppose while the banner is there it’s still valid

Should be good to go

thanks a lot, it’s appreciated