Any rules/permission needed for ramp in garden??

Any rules about permission etc to build ramp in garden??

Last time I helped build one was a good 10 years ago. I think if it’s a wholly wooden structure (not including base) then it doesn’t need any

Permission or no, i think the bigger problem is keeping neighbours happy

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Yeah. Neighbours not happy already and not finished building it yet :woman_facepalming:

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Trust me on this one - the benefits of having a good mini ramp will not even come close to the the drawbacks of making enemies with your neighbours.

Abort abort abort.


Yep. Mate got himself a beautiful mini built in an amazing spot at the bottom of his garden nestled in a clearing among trees.

Neighbours complained about the noise day 1, session 1. Ramp’s been tarp’ed for years now.

Skating’s noisy AF. Do your best to insulate the shit out of it if you’re going ahead.


I would love a backyard mini but would hate it if my neighbours got one :person_shrugging:


Yeah the amount of people that moan about neighbours having garden beers and playing music a few times a year when the sun actually comes out is crazy. Even mowing their grass to much! Skating a mini-ramp on the regular would send them over the edge.

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Concrete would be quieter

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My neigbours are wonderful and let me do whatever I want but a miniramp would upset even them. It’s pretty invasive and as i’m getting older I can see that more than I would have done 20 years ago when we had a ramp in a mates garden.

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My mate has a mini in his backyard, he is like they like me and they like me, they hate me, they hate me, they hate me me, they hate me, they hate me, they hate me, they hate me etc.


Guy that had a bowl in his house outside of kings lynn had an agreement with his neighbours that he’d skate it on wednesday nights until 10pm and weekends. If he was having another session he just spoke with them to let them know and they were usually happy to be informed. Guess it depends on your neighbours but never hurts having a bit of a chat.

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