berrics has always been dorky so this is just on brand for them. like it or not but i think it’s really interesting that they have extended a branch to braille, revive etc.

@Dent_Face those companies don’t need to pay berrics. if they bring even half of their massive army of subscribers over it’s a massive pay off. i bet there is going to be tons of related content on those channels

revive - 4 million subs
braille - 5 million subs
berrics - 1 million subs

i dig it


I recognise one or two names in there - the Braille / Revive related ones :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Didn’t realise that they were two different channels / companies / whatevers though, so there’s that.

I just assumed they were hamming it up ‘influencer style’.

I think it could be interesting to watch once it all gets going.

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I’ve never watched a revive/Braille clip but from what I’ve gathered they’re like, I bet it’s like how koston and Berra are trying to be. I reckon they had a proper business meeting and we’re like ‘let’s get these Instagram and YouTube stinkers involved and our ratings will go through the roof’


I bet Aaron Kyro is gutted.



I wonder if Aaron Kyro has watched Into The Void?


i’m assuming it’s because he’s against Jamie Griffin

He’s not in it?

Is he in it?

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I thought Shrock was.

both Schrock and Kyro are in it


Battlefield Earth at the Berrics.

I’m going to be interested to see how many of these insta skaters can actually skate. In particularly that terrible Burberry dude.

i don’t think Schrock is a scientologist actually. could be wrong

it’s annoying they’ve gone for the head-kooks. both Braille and Revive have some actually decent skaters on the teams

Yeah, thinking about it, probably not. Shame really. It had a nice ring to it.

He’s already planning his outfit.


I’m quite intrigued by this.

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Not sure who Shrock is?

Who’s the spiky hair / crocs one?

I bet theyre all annoyingly consistent and good. You can’t skate those fucking moon clogs without being a bit handy.

Whether they can do it without looking like a weapons grade prat is another question

Schrock owns Revive skateboards. they’re massive in the US. i’ve never seen one of their boards in person

No clue who the crocs one is

Chann, Giger, Hill, Griffin, Ginner are actually really good skaters. the rest i either don’t know or they’re awful

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Yeah, considering they’re hyping these guys up as ‘influencers’, I had only heard of half of them. Maybe if I was half my age and was on TikTok I’d have more of a clue.