Be kind rewind

Allahu Akbar and all that jazz… remember that shit?

Who knows. Maybe. However, it made me smile :slight_smile:

Ellington, pre Jeff Hardy look, Slayer. Just stoked me out this evening

Always loved how everything just worked in that video.

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Bought this vid when it came out from a skate shop in Portland whilst driving around Oregon skating parks in 2003… Watched it every night in various motels whilst smoking far to much local produce (dem were da days)… Thanks for the reminder!! I’m going to dig this out and watch it over weekend and reminisce.

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forgot i’d uploaded this story shop edit years ago, still so fucking jokes



Just noticed this site which hosts a load of full-length skate vids.

Always blown away by ron’s tech and style as a kid, especially the old 411 footage . Totally for got about trilogy.


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Reece Forbes, eh?

Might as well stick this here.


Just had this come on my YouTube sections playlist

Awesome SF footage

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One of my mates who moved from Canada said Morgan would just do 50 kickflips in a row, to get them perfect.

Am I the only one who thinks he’s kind of like Canada’s answer to PJ? No? Yes? MAYBE?

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So, practise. That’s how you learn things.
Yeah, probably, they’re both rad, skate similar terrain, similar tricks.

I meant more that there’d be seshes where it’d be 50 kickflips in a row and then 50 of another trick. Although I heard from someone else it’d be the trick he’d be trying in a line that day or something.

I don’t know anyone who does the same trick 50 times in a row, maybe 5 or so…although it did make me do it for a lot of my tricks, but it was only 20 goes haha.