Be kind rewind


first skate video I ever watched! :smiley:

Karl Watson had my favourite part. Loved the whole vibe and the Ween track.

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I was a proper Mad Circle fan. I rode MC boards, loved the videos and ads and had a few t’s and sweats. I saved a Mad Circle beanie with the tags still on it for a good ten years before wearing it too - had it stashed away - baby blue with cream stripes, dope as. I’m pretty sure I still have it. I’m going to have to go through some boxes of stuff and dig that thing out.


I skated a few MC boards. Welsh and Puleo models. I remember those shapes, loved them back then but would be unskatable for me nowadays. That 411 Industry section is still very watchable.

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This could abp at some point but the guy behind the site has just stuck a link up on Slap for a cleaned up/ reformatted (or whatever) version of Fully Flared and has a long list of other videos that have had the same treatment. Just watched 20 Shot and Ryde or Die and they look pretty good to me.

I’m now preparing to Timecode.

Ooh, I’ve just noticed Soleil Levant and Spirit Quest are on there. I’ve got both on DVD but you can’t buy them anymore and they don’t last on YT before getting taken down. I can finally send a link to mates so they can see what I was banging on about.


I had a few MC boards, this was my favourite. I do remember stoking my dad out while watching Let the horns blow, he loves Steely Dan.

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My mate got that screened onto a blank t-shirt, the cheap brian cant.

Wow, these are all pretty good

Paging @Londonskater you will love this

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Holy fuck.

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Good link. Hokus Pokus looks like new.

Spirit Quest is mental, got a physical copy here along with a couple of other mandible claw dvds.

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No. Fuck 60fps fakery.

It was never shot at 60fps and it was never released at 60fps.
Some computer has faked half mixed frames in between and I’m not down with this sort of witchcraft.

omg. just watching Spirit Quest now!
Thank you so much :smiley:


Seeing as we’re talking about using The Pixies in the footage thread, probably my favourite use of one of their songs in a skateboard video ever still, and a good to re-watch once in a while… (time stamped).

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I really liked Berra skating to debaser, but I wouldn’t say it publicly.


You know this is a public forum, right?

There’s like 8 of us. On loop.
May as well be private. :sweat_smile:


Friday nights nostalgia entertainment


Shit Made me laugh so much back then.


The GOAT double act