Be kind rewind

Looking at the thumbnail on my phone I thought it was a young Ben Affleck.

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heh, just watched this, and logged in to post it.
its pretty much unedited, but its rather nice watching the session unfold, see what tricks get tried/ landed/ aborted.
some Rowley gems, plus bits from Fred Frempleton, JFowler, Muska. and a Penny sighting.
the narrator sounds eerily like Tim O’Connor

Love this part, some of the spots are so good, especially the one at 2.45


The footage of that dudes leg flopping around is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life.

Unfortunately I remember that more than the actual JT leap of faith :nauseated_face:

Couldn’t watch any of the landings, makes my knees hurt and is just awful awful to watch. Any of them.

Haven’t watched this yet, queued up for when I finish the latest amazing Beagle Nine Club episode.

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Well worth a watch. The “if you can’t make a living out of it, it’s just a fucking game” man was a highlight for me.


Early PJ footage


PJ footage never fails to stoke. even Converse moonboot footage

a quick demonstration of 4 brilliant skateboarders:

i was hyped on the crowd hype, and then i thought of the bionic Radlands comp hype, and smiled to myself


Mad to think that Mike V has been an aggressive hormonal teenager for over 30 years.


Thom Hornung! Amazing section in the Scarecrow ‘Disturb not the Sleep of Death’ video too.

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Currently obsessed with watching as much SAD footage as I can find. The legs on this fella!


Gonna rewatch at lunch, but the with the chat on the odd Enjoi scenario these got brought up. From memory, they are great.


Bad music and bad editing but Salman’s skating was pretty rad.


thanks Slap, needed this


Not watching this because it’s Nine Club but that line in the black jeans and white/black Sals was so good.

It’s ok it’s just Wray talking through the whole thing

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Baby Austyn

I’m not sure. You provide two good examples from the early ‘00s but are there many more?

I see great shop videos as coming from every era really. They are more works of love and reflections of a scene’s hard work so aren’t as tied to company budgets and the cycles of boom and bust within the ‘skateboard industry’.

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