Be kind rewind

Really good if you haven’t seen it

1st and Hope


This too. Free Pegasus.

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Cheers didn’t know about this one

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Forgot that came out only like 10 months ago and was one of the best Zero videos in years.

I love First and Hope & haven’t seen (I don’t think) Free Pegasus.

Both added to YouTube playlist for Ron*.

*(Later Ron, :roll_eyes:)

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Watched the first part of that new Zero video just to see if it was as bad as everyone was making out.

It was awful… but the deck slap to 5050 on a handrail was pretty novel. Never seen one of those before.

tap.2024-12-02 10_11_20

Memory Screen SLB 23 : Nice reworked compilation of footage of OGs skating in Etnies Sal 23s.


Muska arrives at Slam City Jam 99, isn’t entered into the comp, but pumps up the crowd WWF style and then attempts to steal the show with a risky noseblunt attempt while other skaters are taking their runs :laughing: