Children's books

This is a thing now too!

Hit up for both books, anyone with kids will love them…especially if they skate!

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Hi mate, have you had any news about delivery yet?


Nope, not yet. Forgot about it, actually!

@DanB this came yesterday - so while a little late for Christmas, it’s perfect timing for my daughter’s birthday (arrived on the day!). A card for her from my mum who lives in the UK also arrived yesterday which was posted before Christmas. Auspost is exceptionally slow.

Great book and she’s into it. Nice of you to include tricks that I can do in the story, so not only does she understand what they’re doing, but thinks I’m cool for being able to show her what they look like in real life. Very stoked and can’t wait for the next one.


Fantastic, I’m really glad you both like it, really wish the publisher could have got it to you before Christmas- I haven’t even got my copies yet! Enjoy :wink:

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