Christmas 2021

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! Up early, kids seem happy with Santa’s visit, now a belly full of food, so win, win… Remember if anyone is finding it hard at this time of year, we are all here if needed.


Big up.

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How do you go about renting a pub?

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What Judith said. I’m keen…

That’s fucking sick! I re-bought soundwave recently but but cool you got the box too.

Casablanca, Jurassic World, Devil Wears Prada, Rocky.

A balanced Christmas Days viewing!


Pitty my wife has to crash it with Mrs brown’s boys…

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Soundwave was my first Transformer too. Nice one!


Wtf. You could have a gun to my head and I’d welcome death over watching a microsecond of it.


Surely the father Ted Christmas special is on somewhere

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Ouch. Joey Barton is a stated fan which tells me everything I need to know without watching any of it.

I watched about 2 minutes accidentally when I couldn’t find the remote. It is so deeply shit.

I really enjoyed blankety blank.
Don’t look up was good but a tad long.


Also I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve deleted the types of people that would do this but I’ve noticed a real lack of ‘ooh check out what presents i got’ social media posts.
Used to be non-stop before.

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I got a decanter. That’s it.

Being with family is a flex this year.


Definitely. People probably feel less of a need to be all “LOOK! I am having a good/normal Christmas” when every pint’s still a bonus and half the world are locked in their rooms.


Literally everyone has said it’s good.

We agreed to start eating normally once all the christmas food is gone right?

It’s actually great. The last 5 minutes are mental though, you haven’t seen the actual content of the film.

Im eating smoked salmon on blinis with cream cheese and Im baking a fondue at 1.30 on a Tuesday. Ill die if this carries on