Christmas 2021

still probably a better option than enjoying the few days of relaxation between the calamity of christmas and new year where you’re too lazy to do anything and inevitably end up living off tins of heroes/celebrations/quality street

hope everyone had a cracking christmas



I feel like I’ve already lived 2022, innit!

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Wife got me a smoothie maker, but it was too small. So I took it back and have a gift voucher now.

Not sure what to spend it on. It’s for the Estonian equivalent of Dixons.

Sandwich toaster?

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Batteries and blank tapes.

Blank DVDs and a USB memory stick (33mb)


We are trying to keep bread out of the house. And also, wife can’t stand countertop clutter (the smoothie machine I was supposed to keep at work)

Massive red flag with a a lass I was seeing was going in her kitchen and she had NOTHING on the sides. Literally nothing. Even the toaster got packed away.

May I suggest a crepe maker.
Also good for toasting wraps.


Get an air fryer

This is my house. We don’t have a microwave because “they’re ugly”

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How you showing off your kitchenaid?!

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Thermomix is the high value kitchen asset, Kitchen Aid 2nd.

Worktops have gotta be edged with jars filled with beans, pulses, rice, herbs and spices.
And loads of art, ticket Stubbs, etc magnetised to the fridge.

Gotta make it a lived-in living space.


Ive got a load of shit out in my kitchen but its big do would be weird as hell if it was empty

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I would have replied sooner but I was walking round my massive kitchen so got delayed…


My kitchen is a flex for sure, has an island.


Just tried to find a spare plug in ours. Got 4 double sockets in there but all behind junk.

Clutter 4 life.

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