Christmas 2023

Has humanity gone too far this time?


Saw Christmas pudding flavour Walkers this morning.

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This year I’m definitely leaning towards staying in. The year’s been a bit overwhelming, and a quiet night at home seems perfect. As for boozing, maybe a little.
As for gifts, we’re keeping it simple this year. All presents have been bought and wrapped - thankfully got that sorted early!


Yeah I’m straight chilling with the wife and kids. Get a bit of skating in. Watch some movies. Eat food.

All the presents are sorted. Just need to finish decorating the kitchen. It has taken far too long, defo not getting the tiling done though.

What’s a good dessert to make ? I think I’m alrate with the turk and trimmings. Not sure about sweet stuff though.

Trees up, just put a radiator in so my guests don’t freeze and located chairs. This hosting int easy is it haha

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Sticky toffee pudding

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i see a community support officer in a cafe every so often. yesterday she asked me what pigs in blankets were.
i pinched my leg, explained, and walked out giggling


Found time to stop at the supermarket today, managed to load up for the benches board, picked up a local chutney a few weeks ago. Raring to go.

Won’t be with the Mrs over Christmas so got pressies early. Spoilt and stoked.


Careful people will think you’re trying to get on Palace :sweat_smile:


He’s defo begging it :joy:


I’m begging hahaha

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The best dauphonois I’ve ever made (last night with ham and red cabbage). You can actually see the calories.

Been making it every christmas for 20+ years but went for a new method this year and it just pisses on the Delia Smith one I’ve been doing.


Can be hard to get the right thickness of potato, have to be perfectly soft but with a wedge of crispy cheese on top. Looks spot on.

Can’t make it any more since taking a lump of skin off my finger the same thickness as the potato on one of those mandolin slicer things. Can’t even look at one, full on creeping skin feeling all over.

Eating them as canapes now

Very happy with these

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Oof yeah. You just have to sacrifice a lump of potato to save your fingers.

Nice . That better be Gruyère on top.

Might have to buy a mandolin looking at that lamination

My dad took end of his thumb off with one :joy: