Classic Sidewalk Forum


I met him at a Bones Bolton all-nighter where we got very stoned and drunk and slept on top of the vert ramp with kids pouring litter on us. Good times, do those sort of events still go on?


Knight’s Gym was genius

“I go to Knight’s Gym so I can act like a proper hard cunt down the pub”

Think Floor Odoriser posted a photo of five angry cats sitting on top of each other hissing with the slogan: “This, but with blokes: Knight’s Gym”

Good times



‘Spot me big boy’


There were so many!

Worst/best for me was when I got dobbed in for hammering the forum by this cunt that started in my old job who I didn’t realise could see my screen.

My boss took my hard drive in to be analysed by his mate who worked in computer forensics for the police.

He told me not to come into work one day and kept saying ‘you know why’. I was like wtf I don’t know what your on about.

He made me come in halfway through a morning and he was out when I got there and I looked down at his emails which every subject was my name with stuff like tower_analysis and stuff in it.

When he came in he was like ‘right tell me straight now have you got another job’. I said no obviously and then he was like ‘don’t fucking lie to me I know you have a job you’ve been doing from here.’

I was genuinely confused and kept saying wtf are you talking about and that’s when he asked me ‘oh yeah. What’s all this about you being a moderator of this skateboarding website then’.

It’s the only bit of it I found funny.

Anyway I got sacked but he was threatening to charge me with fraud or something for using his work property and stuff to do another job.

I regret nothing. I loved that forum.

N26 4 Eva.


Fuck that’s gnarly.

That reminds me. When I was first married, had quit my job and was drinking a lot, I briefly ended up trying to work in a call centre. Possibly around 2008.

You were allowed on the internet, or at least you could get on the internet and nobody had said not to, so everybody did. Especially me, on the Sidewalk forum. A lot. Not as good as Les’s story, but somehow they found out I’d been on this same site over and over, and I guess because it wasn’t either a celebrity gossip site or a gambling site, it stood out as being me and because they didn’t like me they made an example of me and the whole floor got banned from the internet. Nobody even seemed to care, they weren’t exactly big readers anyway, that lot, and I stopped going in after that.

Stayed at home, took the house phone off the hook and did fuck all for a few great days. Eventually put the phone back on and honestly about ten minutes later it rang, and it was them telling me I had to go in so they could sack me. Which was ideal because I was able to start claiming JSA that very day. After a few pints in the Argyle Street Wetherspoon. Went off and did some made-up job after that, which lasted 12 years anyway. Until just there, in fact.


Pretty sure it was blocked on a few of the ‘shop’ computers at SS20.

Then I graduated to upstairs with own Mac working on the website. Then became occasional bollocking of “ffs Ned get off the forum”, I used to hook a few of the homies on N26 up with some deals so I think I got let off the hook a bit on there.


A-mazing. But, sucked, obvs.

I started in 2002 on the forum. I was working in an office 3-4 days a week.
As I mentioned earlier, my job took about an hour a week.
I actually asked for a pay rise and they denied me as they reckoned they weren’t making enough money - which I knew was bollocks - so I said “Well, instead of paying me more, can you just pay me the same but I’ll come in for 3 days instead of 4” and in one of the most mental moments I’ve ever witnessed, the boss just said “Yeah, sure”.

There were only two of us in the office most of the time and neither could see each others screens - however, I had some software @Spanky used (RealVNC, maybe?) for screensharing other peoples machines to fix issues. I used that there…but weirdly, it never asked “X is trying to view your screen” so at anytime I could see what this guy was up to as I was sure he had fuck all to do all day.

Turns out he was just on Limewire/Kazaa/Bearshare/whatever constantly. Porn and music.

I began rinsing the forum. Left the job due to utter boredom in the end.


Cubix (Duffs beanie) getting hustled by Danny Dyer…


Pre-youtube, pre-facebook, etc. the forum was actually pretty sick to keep up to date while I was travelling.
Longest time I was away for without returning was about 9 months, but I felt like I was bang up to speed as I’d just dip into chat about video premieres and events, etc. years before actual event videos would be posted online.


Massive shame events have dried up.

Half the fun was all the piss head stories that would come out the next day.


I think I joined the old forum whilst at uni and having access to the internet via the student union. Probably 2000 ish?

I was working at RNR skate shop too as one of the weekend managers which also had internet. From there I got involved with the Save our skate shop campaign on the forum against route scum.

It was my first taste of activism and was involved in contacting the SOS shops around the country to get their intel on route scums dirty tactics to warn other SOS shops.

I remember a cartoon picture ( that I can’t find anywhere) of a kid sitting on a bag of cash on a skateboard with £ signs and route one stamped on the bag. They were sent out as posters to every SOS shop in the ad pages in sidewalk.

I did search for it all when I came back to the forum 4/5 years ago but it seems those early posts were dumped for data costs reasons .

I also loved the bearing Abec topics and the groms gaining engineering degrees over night arguing about abec 9’s . Daft fucks hahaha .

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That’s fucked man! Glad it was a good thing in the end .

I used to go to RNR when I was at uni! £35 blanks!

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Ha well I’ve defo sold you some skate gear then . Those blanks were rad. Strong as fuck , it’s all I skated , even with a shop full of trade price decks .

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Damn straight, I still have that Cats & Triangles X SS20 tee you flowed me when I bought a pair of Dunks or BAs from you guys. I look pretty buff in it, so everybody gets 2 tickets to the gun show when I wear it, haha.

Malanax was another funny guy, I think he gradually ended up skating less and less and so stopped posting. There was one photo of him pretty drunk/baked sitting there in his sitting room and the lighting made his forehead look massive and that got some comedy Photoshopping several times over.

I met Joxa and Frontsiderocker via The Bob shortly after I moved to Bristol and then some years later, I met a load of forumers who moved to Bristol for Uni, notably WFTW, Ham Sandwich, Perpetual and Flyingfluffmonkeyman. Good bunch of heads there.


Haha this reminds me I dialled into my family zoom call the other day and my dad was wearing my old cats and triangles t shirt that I must have left at home.

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