Been subscribed for quite a while now.
His recent MH370 episode is pretty epic.
It’s also really sad when he explains the series of errors that lead to fatal accidents (Swiss cheese effect) but also very relieving when he explains how pilots avoid bad accidents.
He also has a mentor now channel discussing contemporary issues within the aviation industry. Very insghtful.
Oh man those do my head in, that famous one where the plane went into a stall and just dropped flat down, the copilot was pulling up causing it to get worse, they should have pointed the nose down to pick up more speed but the pilot didn’t work out what was going on and they just plummeted to the ground. Must have been the worst feeling. Haunting.
There are some interesting characters/ proper loons in this, as one might expect, given the title, (In Search of the Great English Eccentric).
John Peel put me on to Ivor Cutler* and he will never fail to put a smile on my face. In fact that goes for both Peel** and Cutler, one-offs the both of them.
*Ivor Cutler was clearly a Scottish eccentric not an English one.
Can anyone post any skate videos that use Ivor Cutler, the above mentioned Rattray-advert but also just generally?
There’s a Cutler song that I have been dying to use for an edit, but I am afraid it is ABD. I don’t want to post the song in case someone else nicks it!