Continually Updated YouTube Thread

Nothing beats the old pro wrestling promos


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Been watching these nutters for a while. First saw them via storror or phat videos, turns out they use their agility and stamina to explore abandoned bunkers, mines etc. Despite the real risk they run, they also have a good laugh.

Subtitles needed unless you speak German.

& part 2ā€¦

I think Iā€™ve seen this, seem to remember at one point shaun sticks a whole packet of codeine tablets in a pint glass of water and drinks it for breakfast

Bit grim

Jeez. Iā€™ve watched this twice. First just out of curiosity after that last YouTube thing he tried, (which,incidentally, has all been removed from YT). The second time was in order to check that it was as bad as I thought it was. It had me laughing, itā€™s actually worse than I first thought. Canā€™t wait for the first full length episode.


I think Iā€™d rather turn out like Duane Peters than like these throbbers.

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From the trailerā€¦

Hobbyist golfers talk about meals they remember eating.

What is the audience? Skaters? Golfers? Foodies?

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Stay in school kids

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Holy fuck these guys are boring.

Thatā€™s 3 of my interests and thereā€™s no way Iā€™m pressing play on that.

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Rinsing this guy for a minute

I live for shit like this. Canā€™t wait to watch and cringe :joy:

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ā€œI was a bit good on a skateboard, people will lap up any shit that I doā€ - The Crailtap Noughties alumni fallacy.


To play devilā€™s advocate, Iā€™d say thereā€™s potential for a light entertainment foodie show. However, the host and guests are far too random. The food didnā€™t look anywhere interesting enough. The link to golf is just weird. Donā€™t get me started on the tagline or flavored toothpicks. And hasnā€™t vice already done millennial food critics with munchies etc?

To play devilā€™s advocate, Justin Eldridge is a fuckwit, and there are plenty of more deserving people to provide food related entertainment.

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I think itā€™s just a case of kid who lived nothing but skateboarding for a while and being on a team with such big names now does normal life things and thinks that people care as much as they did about what he does now as he did when skating. But heā€™s now just a normal boring person with no interesting qualities or input and he thinks heā€™s still got something to give.
Chris Roberts is lucky that he was the first podcast to properly take off because heā€™s another really numb personality. If someone else got there first and did what the nine club did and Chris tried to start a podcast now, it would fall on itā€™s arse.


I recognise one of the guests Eldy has on there - a guy called Ross Pomerantz who is a comedian and runs this character called Corporate Bro.

Ross used to work in sales for big software companies like Salesforce, so all his material is a parody of that environment.

Edit: Watched Episode 1 of Golf With Flavor. I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

You canā€™t post that without a link. :sweat_smile:

Forgive me @Mark for soiling the forum

In Eldyā€™s own words, GWF isā€¦

Sorry I missed a bitā€¦

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