They’re definitely feeling more OG Chocolatey of late than they have for quite a while.
I’d say around 80% of my boards since Mouse have been Girl or Chocolate so I’m a little bit biased but I think it would be nice if they got back on track and found a new fanbase. You know, skaters who weren’t of pensionable age. It would be a shame if they just continued on a slow decline into irrelevancy.
The current Chocolate squad is pretty dope. Hope Smyth does something with Dougie and DFE this century.
For some reason this got recommended to me yesterday, the algorithm must have figured out that I could do with having some nightmares. The Nutty Putty cave incident, absolutely fucking horrendous:
I just don’t understand the appeal of caving. I understand why people do dangerous sports even though they can quickly turn into a nightmare but caving already looks like one before anything goes wrong.
Yeah, same. It’s slow, it’s dark, it’s wet, and the best outcome you can look forward to is hopefully surviving. At least with rock climbing there’s a nice view from the top, and you’ll be getting fresh air.
Along similar lines although fortunately nobody dies. I certainly don’t fancy it even though it’s been done quite a few times previously to this expedition.
Just imagine being the first guy ever to go there, squeezing through tiny gaps into the total unknown, maybe popping out of the constricted tunnel to find a vertical death drop on the other side. All the time being days away from the surface. Just having a slight injury with that horrendous climb back to the surface could mean it’s curtains for you. Spelunking nutters!
It could be worse I suppose, it could also be underwater. That always seems like a very bad idea. As for freediving in caves, ffs you death wish loons.
I’m sure he is a nice enough guy in real life but I just get the impression he smells like stale sweat and that isn’t a good thing. I think I last watched him when he had that young skater girl in tow, so likely pre-covid
I’ll admit to having a bit of a soft spot for him, but yeah, imagine the ‘swamp ass’ from those awful polyester trousers he always wears in that socal heat? Wouldn’t want to be in the car with him on the way home from the sesh.
God this is so depressing. Tom’s dead-eyed stare in that thumbnail. The hollow clack of wood on concrete in that bleak underpass. The $100 prize. Career-wrecker Kelly adjudicating in his anachronistic LRG fit. The multitude of Youtubers feeding off the thin gruel of a thousand likes.
Well said. The underpass really is bleak. Reminds me of dark wet winter nights in my youth. Trying to get just five minutes of skating in after school. Ewww
Dude wanders around the Brooklyn Banks, Blubba and the NY courthouse showing Tim Achille’s kid where her dad used to skate and then heads over to the Telly from Kids curated Larry Clark photo exhibition. Not a patch on Feedback Ted but it was enjoyable enough and passed the time.