
I get it, but it still pisses me off for unknown reasons.

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Son had a temp on Sunday so I had to take him to get a test Monday morning. Can’t leave here til he gets the results now so we’re trying to work from home with a 2 year old.

Post I can’t be fucked to deal with this anymore day, I can see this happening constantly.


I feel your pain man, I worked from home for 3 months with my 2 year old when Covid hit. I say ‘worked’ it was more like ‘endured’, it’s so, so tough.


My wife is stressing out and wanting to pull the kids out of school because the two years below our kid have been told to isolate. There’s only three days left in the term and I think it’s important for kids to maintain some kind of normality. I don’t wanna be pulling them out and making life weird again. She’s worried it’ll mess up our plans next week but I’m of the opinion you just have to let the school manage the situation and go with the flow.

Ended up sending them in today anyway, hope we don’t get a call to isolate because she’ll be unbearable haha.

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Different but same. My girlfriend is a teacher and currently isolating, she’s due to go back in on the 20th and school finishes for summer after a half day on the 21st. I’m a bit nervous of her going in and getting told to isolate on the 21st and fuck up our wedding on the 31st, although maybe after the 19th she wouldn’t have to?

We’ll need to test ours before she can go back to nursery next week. How do you do it? Can only imagine there are clamps involved.

Not a single PCR walk in testing slot available in England, fucking hell

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Yeah it’s not fun. We went to a drive in centre. You have to waggle the thing in the nostrils as much as you can then and then bag it into a tube and into a double bag thing.

It’s quite complicated and stressful.

I wonder how many parents are not going through with it…

It’s not nice. It takes time out of your working day and means you have to isolate until you get the results back. Must be tons of people not bothering.

I hear you, I hear you.

Anyone calling it ‘freedom day’ needs a swift dose of reality. It is not ‘just like Nazi Germany’, we don’t live in a ‘dictatorship’, ‘they’ are not eroding ‘all of our freedoms’. Watch this, get a sense of perspective and fuck off whilst you’re doing it.


we’ve had to do a couple on her & my daughter calls it her ‘checkup’ now. she keeps asking to do one so we pretend to swab an earbud in her nose, had to get her a little doctor’s kit as well.

what a fucking mental world we live in ey


Yeah, just chiming in on Freedom Day nonsense. Watched a documentary last night about Shenzhen where they showed how technology is ever increasingly enabling infringements on Chinese citizens’ privacy. It was so much worse than I realised.


They have face tracking systems at pedestrian crossing points so if you j-walk they will then save your face and ‘shame’ you on a digital board around the city by storing and thus broadcasting your face for all to see.

There are live face tracking monitors for lorry drivers so at all times they are being watched. If you show signs of fatigue (yawning, closing your eyes for more than 1 second, or just simply looking tired) whilst driving they record all these ‘offences’. If you exceed 15 of these you lose your licence and you’re reported to the police.

When walking around the streets there are these recordings broadcast for all to hear about how you have to carry yourself - lying on the ground, or playing water (not sure what that means) are such prohibited activities. Any deviation from these precepts or lack of cooperation means you’re not a “defender of the urban civilisation” and you can be arrested.

They are building 3D surveillance model ‘for counterterrorism purposes’ which can tap into cctv anywhere in the city at any time.

There’s a whole lot more, but it’s proper Orwellian what’s going on over there.


To add to the Chinese state surveillance… There’s a social media/social responsibility rating which feeds into all those situations and more, like the ability to buy a house, get a government/decent job, etc. A low social rating and you’re fucked. Like that episode of Black Mirror where everybody was stressed out looking for social media ratings.


Pretty sure Amazon do that over here, minus the police reporting bit

Was it this? Posted a while ago but really important:

Yeah. If you drop litter your profile is going to show up further down on a dating app, so there’s less likely to be more of you in the future.

And this is happening right now.

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girlfriend tested positive so we were off for PCRs this morning, annoying but ok really as I’ve got loads of uni work to do that I’ve been putting off and a suit to make so a gift of 10 days isn’t that bad. Could have done with doing a shop before though.


Jab day was fine.

Day 2 felt (at times) like I was a passenger in my own body… and tired.

Today = feel hungover.

Sleeping OK though, just don’t ask me to operate heavy machinery.


Do you need anything mate? Can bring it down to the boat.

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