
Lol Goff anti vax it seems.

Shocker. Are you sure? He’s usually so well balanced and easy going


Ahahhahahah love it.

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Is anyone here sceptical of getting the vaccine? If so then why?

My brother in law and his mrs are still not getting it. Because theyre fucking daft i think

My brother in law is also a massive ball bag who is too good for a jab. But in fact I think it’s just because he’s scared of needles.


Yeah I’ve not seen a good reason from anyone. Just pointed towards FACTS! And RESEARCH!

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“Thats just your fear talking”
“Ive done research”
“Mainstream media bias”
“Herd immunity”

I just got told there’s no concrete evidence on either side……

Vaccine started in December. Looks like it’s working to me!



Saw these when out and about before…



There’s definitely a lot of “It’s just the flu, it’s not that bad” chat.

Imagine we hadn’t all had out polio and TB jabs when we were kids? Imagine our parents thought those things were probably less dangerous than an actual vaccine? You can’t because you’d be dead. Or you’d have polio and not want to talk about it, at least.

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That was similar to last year though. I mean I’m double jabbed. Know a mate abroad who doesn’t want to get AZ, 32 years old.

No government wants a dead or on-the-sick population, they want a thriving - or at least a functioning - economy. It wouldn’t be in a government’s interest to poison its workers.

We’re all being spied on all the time anyway and nobody’s important enough to get some extra microchip planted into them.

If a government, or some other shady organisation, wanted to get something inside its people it’d put it in paracetamol or Gregg’s sausages rolls. They wouldn’t put it in something that you can decline, during a financially-crippling health crisis.

Also isn’t like the Tuskegee Study. It’s understandable that that awful experiment will come up, but it’d take an impossible amount of covering-up to do anything that terrible today.


Tas Pappas is a daft brian.

He’s barely coherent to talk to.

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Yeah he’s dumb as a bag of hammers


He’d know though, being a crackhead has qualified him way more than any actual book-learnin’ ever would.


Tas could benefit two fold from a tin foil sponsor.


But he invented a 900.

I wonder if I can get him to sign my Angry Anderson board.

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