Mystery did a lot of white dipped decks, I always liked how it looked. Then again I had matching black an white check Grind Kings trucks and Fallen shoes so what do I know
Finally got all my boards in one place for a family photo.
Signed Tony Hawk Lance Mountain board (Lance signed topside) purchased directly from Lance at a convention.
Signed Daewon Song 2002 Almost board found on eBay for $45.
Antihero pigeon topside signed by Todd Francis.
Zero Dying to Live OG 2002 board- my holy grail. First and favourite skate video ever watched.
Two Casino Skates decks (RIP) my childhood skateshop in Leicester. Red one was in a friend’s shed for 10 years, the ‘Quay’ deck was found at a local car boot sale.
If you want to buy any zero/mystery/fallen clothing, hats or fingerless Chris Cole signature gloves from that era hit me up I’ve got the motherload
Got my collection out a couple of months ago. Forgot I didn’t post it here…
Ha I had a pro Cole Fallen t-shirt with a massive dragon on it and also a stripey purple and black fallen t-shirt. I’m just after boards for now but I would be interested in a pair of Fallen Chiefs…
I’ve got that tee
How’d you get a hold of the Easter Egg board? That Gonz x Cliche board is so good.
Wondering why this thread isn’t more popular. Surely a bunch of us collect on here
Ive got a team signed Dying to Live photo board im thinking of selling
Won it in a raffle this Easter, got lucky with a single ticket.
Felt bad when I realised it cost a heap for Fos to ship.
Id like to see it
That MC in the green stain is amazing.
The Tim Gavin Barbie sticker has been on my most wanted list for a long time. Like unicorns though.
Yeah that MC has been on my want list for about fifteen years and I only knew of two in the world. One is on the wall of FTC and that’s going nowhere, but the guy who had the other one decided to move it on and hit me up first.
Jimo hoarders episode.
Imagine it
Jesus Christ
Image not loading but absolutely not pointless! I’m a massive fan of UK skate collections and stuff like you described is gold. I’d be collecting that stuff too but you have to put some kind of limits on yourself or it gets even more out of control
Edit: post gone now try again please @buildafire
These decks are owned by a mate. Came from the UK Blueprint Don Tim Lenton.
My mate asked me if I remembered this deck that Pritch rode in some mag pics. He said he and loads of people rode it bitd.
I asked Tim if he had one, and he came out with an OG production model and the template/test deck with Tipp-Ex etc on the graphic.
Anyone remember this one?
The Panic boards that were ordered, for the announcement that Panic existed at the Radlands comp, were delayed. So those ones there were hand-painted Big Spin blanks that Selley did.