Deck collectors

Heavy clip


The guy selling is ninetiesnostalgia on insta.

Has some super rare gold for sale at the moment.

I’d love that, but 5 grand?

Anyone on here score the plan b Star Wars decks?

Saw Sheffey promo-ing those the other day, didn’t realise they were out there yet.

They were a limited edition release on Christmas Day. Pretty poorly handled. Also the boards were signed and a glossy slick, so not a faithful recreation.

Wow, thought that they’d have made loads more of an effort for that being a Star Wars tie-in and whatnot. Sure they’ll be several hundred dudes out there waiting to sell them on for a 100% mark-up!

I had a bunch of first run cityscape Zoo Decks that I sold a few years ago. They were a a similar shape to the Hockey-stye shovel nose PS Stix decks and they were all hand spray painted with a colour basecoat. Really unusual and quite amateurish but it looked pretty good.

I used to love those. I still have a really unique Correa (white dip) at home somewhere, and a red dip Bici crest. Never understood the hate for dipped boards.


I loved dipped boards but the downside is that they looks thrashed so quickly whereas a normal board can look fresh even with plenty of dinks.

I hate dipped decks, they chip around the sides and look shit. And seeing your plies around the sides is nicer anyway, especially with a nice green or red one in the middle. It’s also nice to see the wood grain on your top ply, even if it’s just for 1mm around the edge of your grip. I always put dipped boards in the same mental jail as black wheels.


Agree! but A fresh dipped looks cool at first but it can take a day to feel old looking depending what you’re doing. In this country it’s pointless, you could get away with them if you just skated Macba everyday.

Great boards. Really love all the old east coast 90s brands. Always on the hunt for more stickers from that era.

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Bici is sick.

I don’t mind a full dipped deck to look at, but not for skating.

I remember Powell decks were all full dipped at one point and the word on the street was it was to cover how shitty their wood was. This was back in the days when all kinds of shit was acceptable at the wood shops. You would see spliced ply all the time, you never see it now.

Full dipped decks could cover a multitude of sins and you got what you deserved if you paid a premium for a Powell dipped deck only to have it splinter, go soggy and snap.

I remember hearing that. I kind of stuck with me and I was always a little wary of dipped boards. I made an exception for a couple of Alien decks, (white dipped - looked dope for five minutes), and a Silverstar Matt Reason even though it was not only dipped but also had a pentagram and a load of freemasonic/ esoteric/ magick scribbles on it. I’m not saying I think that shit’s evil or bad luck or whatever, Although generally I didn’t want to tempt fate and snap my legs off or anything. Skate superstition is real.

I think it was one of these but was a baby blue dip with silver embossing on it and no red text.

The first Zoo board I had was a Frank Natiello, black dip. It was in one of the earliest runs of Zoo York decks iirc. I had been riding Girl and Chocolate boards a lot but even so those first Zoo decks had such a crazy steep concave it felt like standing in a bathtub.


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Who on earth is Frank Natiello?

This guy.

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I just found that too. I have never heard of him haha!

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He’s on the cover of this book with Justin pierce.