Drum machine / synth / sampler geekery

Cheers man. Enjoyed your vid btw.

I can smuggle it into the house as it looks like the p-6 too :grin:

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How you getting on with that? Juno have them for £153 if you ask for the best price which is tempting for sofa time looking after junior

I’m enjoying it but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t finding it a very steep learning curve. It does soo much and the menu diving’s pretty intense.

I’m confused about a lot of things, but one fundamental is about how to change the duration of samples without affecting pitch.

All that said, I’m fucking loving it.

You mean like trimming em or timestretch type thing?

Yes i did wonder about how they’d fit all those features in…

Trimming’s dead quick and easy to be fair. Yeah it’s timestretching I’m struggling with.

Does it do timestretch? I never do it on the mpc. What are you going for?

How do you do it in your tunes? Prep the sample on a computer first and then sample that? I know these are noob questions, sorry mate.

I don’t have a pc I can manipulate stuff with atm. Maybe that’s my problem? :thinking:

Obvs one hit samples like percussion or stabs don’t need it and some other stuff you can get away with, but where I’ve got say a breakbeat I want to be able to match it to the tempo of the track.

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Just speed up or slow the sample down til it loops at the speed of the track, bit of trial and error, yes the pitch will change but that’s part of it. I feel like you may be over thinking it!

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That behringer ms1 that was posted in the other thread, is a clone more or less of this. Good demo

Nine one. I’ll watch that in a bit. Got a couple of MJ’s 12”s. Is it an sh-101 clone yeah? They’re monophonic, right?

Yep mono. I don’t know that guy’s stuff I’ll have check it out. And yeah it’s a 101, which was used on voodoo ray i think and probably a million other tunes.

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I’m leaning towards an S-1 atm, maybe with a cheap secondhand midi controller. I like chords. You’re right, that was a great demo.

A mate lent me a 101 many years ago. I was in a band at the time and our keyboard broke. Had it for a few gigs but didn’t have a clue about synthesis, so couldn’t begin to fathom all the pots and sliders. :rofl: I at least have a vague understanding now.

He gets a few things out of it i haven’t yet but yes great demo. I use my ms1 for bass and twiddly high bits mainly, it does both really well. Id agree on the s1 i think, its very good for the size and price. Also it’s meant to be a sort of digital poly 101 so you can get a bit of that vibe

Some 101 (clone) bits

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There are more synth options today than ever. I have tried to ignore gear for years because it’s addictive. I can’t comment on Behringer, I personally wouldn’t buy any myself unless something really interesting came along but all the recreations seem to be very disappointing to most people but who care about sounding EXACT anyway, nobody will sound like their heroes anyway, too many factors. I’m sure they have enabled many people and given access to functionality that they normally wouldn’t afford so it’s a tricky conundrum whether to support the brand, vilify or just take advantage of what is on offer.
BUT, quality aside, Pricewise, no one offers more. Crave, Poly800 modules could be fun if you are midi controlling/sequencing.

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Yes behringer are a bit greasy to say the least but as tools the recreations of 808s 303s etc are just too good to ignore. I’ve seen jeff mills using an rd8 which is enough for me. Even that ben Jordan guy who made videos about how evil they are, turns out hes got a load of their gear! Plus i don’t see roland suffering for it

S-1’d it. Feeling that post-purchase mixture of exhilaration and guilt. Actually loving tinkering with these boxes though. Like skating, so satisfying when you make a breakthrough.