Film Thread

I know I’m in the doghouse after recommending coming 2 America but Jungle Cruise was awesome. Like a much better pirates of the Caribbean

Whoever mentioned Mitchell’s vs the machines, that was such a good family movie. Good shout

Watched the new Purge film. It was another Purge film, wouldn’t really bother unless you really like them

Watched a Quiet Place 2. Wish it had been an hour longer. I have a thing for Emily Blunt. Good sequel. Very tense

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Dog. Pig. Dog. Pig. Dog. Pig… Loaf of bread.


The mum going militant cracked me up. That’d be my wife

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Netflix just releases a documentary about poker. What do you think about making about it? I was like damn Another one that beat an online casino.

I forgot to add a quote reply (also Grammarly corrected).

I am totally with you the only thing good from pirates of carribian is piano song. I love it. Jungle cruise is 10x better of a film. I love it

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2nd time you’ve posted online gambling links in your responses…




Very good twist but also very fucked up considering there is so much racism still.

Saying that there’s a twist is a spoiler.

But the twist is that there is no twist! What a twist!

It’s not a spoiler.

Anyway, worth a watch.

Saying there’s a twist warns that there is a twist, which ruins the effect of a twist

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M. Night Shyamalan effect, everyone is expecting it now when you see one of his films and your mind probably thinks of a better twist than the actual one. So you leave disappointed. Remember hugo told everyone the ending to Bond, so this is him keeping it secret.


Tried watching Silence on iPlayer last night. If anyone is tempted give it a hard pass. I expected something like The Mission, but set in Japan. Instead it’s just three hours of torture and inquisition to sift out Christians in Edo-era Japan. So repetitive and boring.


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Apparently there’s a matrix film coming out this year that I knew nothing about


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I hope neo has to fight john wick.


I really hope it’s not shit. Because the last 2 were awful. First one is one of the best films ever though.

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Animatrix was sick too

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I was all ‘ohhhh shit new matrix trailer!!’
Completely forgetting I hated the last two and thought the first one was a bit too impressed with itself.
Time memory wipe.