Film Thread

Sing 2 at the cinema with the kids. was kinda funny, didn’t want to like it but…

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Sing is great. Sing 2 is okay…but Sing is great.

I watched Beyond The Black Rainbow over the weekend. Utterly nuts. Amazing visually, although a very simple story. Definitely something you need to sit and let soak in just so you feel like you are on some mad drug induced trip, too.


Revisited Darkman at the weekend - bonkers, cheesy and Liam Neeson/Frances McDormand before big films came calling. Laughed most of the way through and the wife took the piss

Tried “The Kings Man” - re-writing the history of WW1 to suit your narrative leaves a bit of a bad taste in the mouth, but for escapism it’s alright, and at least not Elton John in this one

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Absolutely loved Sing.

Zootropolis gets a constant rotation in my house which I also really like.


Yes such a sick film!!!

It’s called Zootopia in the US. That blew my daughters mind. ha ha.

She has a Sing playlist, but all the original artists. I think thats a pretty sick outcome…little kids with knowledge of rad artists. And Elton.


new Jordan Peele. eek

The new Texas Chainsaw on Netflix is one of the worst films, horror or otherwise, I’ve ever seen. Rubbish

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Random film choice of the weekend was Disturbing the Peace on Amazon Prime. Guy Pearce, so I thought “he’s a solid actor, might be alright”

It was not - worst film I may have seen in a long time

I should have done my usual IMDB check first, lesson learned: Disturbing the Peace (2020) - IMDb

Just watched the new Batman film and fuck me it’s good, really really good. Actually better than the Nolan films .
Pattison is fucking great , really good character as well as Collin Farrell who I didn’t even know it was him till the credits .

So glad it’s a good film and not another fuck up .

Well this has shocked me

It’s dark, gritty, doesn’t focus on all the bond style gadgets and tech of previous films. It’s much more noir and detective based . The riddler is great and not a stupid green leotard in sight , he’s a twisted fuck.


I do love a bit of noir. Will have to give it a go

Another “dark” batman film. Gosh. Bringing back batman as a camp fat bloke, now that would be edgy


The Lost Daughter was brilliant. A must watch for all the parents. Plus Maggie Gyllenhaal is a boss, as is Olivia Colman… as is Jessie Buckley.


Reboot, origin story etc, Trigger as the Joker, Boicey as the Penguin… Marlene as Catwoman


Uncle Albert as Alfred.


Trigger as the riddler …this is my broom…

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