FRAMED Movie Quiz

Guess the film from the pic within 6 guesses.
Daily quiz purely for CMOAC points.

No cheating, although not sure you can.


Didn’t get it right.

Phew on the 5th

1st T. Beginner’s luck.

Figured it was a mid-70s Bond film on the first slide, which would mean it wasn’t Connery, and guessed the first film that came into my head. Got it on 2nd

I kept putting ’with a golden gun’ instead of ‘with the golden gun’ … rookie mistake or it would have been first go, as a pure guess from remembering my dads Sunday movie viewing as a kid.

5th try.

‘Stop getting bond wrong!’

5th for me. I was convinced it was Dr. Nowt and nothing could persuade me otherwise.

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In 5 as well.

1st shot.

Come on guys, it was classic Bond.


Thought it was the beach on 1 but got it on 2
Bonus point if you know the title is a reference to the man with the golden arm, a film / book about heroin addiction

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I did not. I’ve had that book on my shelf for probably twenty years and I don’t think I’ve ever read it.

Edit. I tell a lie. Looks like I got to page 35. Might just pick it straight back up from there.


Haven’t read it, pretty sure i saw some of the film which has bogey in it (I think…)

Edit, fuck it was sinatra

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Got it in 3! Should have been 2 but I spelled it wrong so didn’t accept it!!

Total fail today, never even heard of it, let alone seen it.


Oh shit, got it in 1.

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We also play Flickle and Fliktok at work. Very, very competitive stuff!

Same. Genuinely have never even heard the name of it in any way, ever, in any context.

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I knew what today’s was at 2 but couldn’t remember the name until guess 5. It’s not a good film btw, despite having a stacked cast.

Yeah it came and went pretty quick.