Guess the film from the pic within 6 guesses.
Daily quiz purely for CMOAC points.
No cheating, although not sure you can.
Guess the film from the pic within 6 guesses.
Daily quiz purely for CMOAC points.
No cheating, although not sure you can.
Didn’t get it right.
Phew on the 5th
1st T. Beginner’s luck.
Figured it was a mid-70s Bond film on the first slide, which would mean it wasn’t Connery, and guessed the first film that came into my head. Got it on 2nd
I kept putting ’with a golden gun’ instead of ‘with the golden gun’ … rookie mistake or it would have been first go, as a pure guess from remembering my dads Sunday movie viewing as a kid.
5th try.
‘Stop getting bond wrong!’
5th for me. I was convinced it was Dr. Nowt and nothing could persuade me otherwise.
In 5 as well.
1st shot.
Come on guys, it was classic Bond.
Thought it was the beach on 1 but got it on 2
Bonus point if you know the title is a reference to the man with the golden arm, a film / book about heroin addiction
I did not. I’ve had that book on my shelf for probably twenty years and I don’t think I’ve ever read it.
Edit. I tell a lie. Looks like I got to page 35. Might just pick it straight back up from there.
Haven’t read it, pretty sure i saw some of the film which has bogey in it (I think…)
Edit, fuck it was sinatra
Got it in 3! Should have been 2 but I spelled it wrong so didn’t accept it!!
Total fail today, never even heard of it, let alone seen it.
Oh shit, got it in 1.
We also play Flickle and Fliktok at work. Very, very competitive stuff!
Same. Genuinely have never even heard the name of it in any way, ever, in any context.
I knew what today’s was at 2 but couldn’t remember the name until guess 5. It’s not a good film btw, despite having a stacked cast.
Yeah it came and went pretty quick.