Gifted Hater

only way is to tie a single knot, no loops, literally a knot and then post the ends though the top eyelets.

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Always double knot. If the laces can touch the outsole then they’re too long.

Hopefully no one is still tying the bow behind the tongue?

If the laces touch the outsole (felt sick even typing that) you should cross them over and put them through the same opposite second-top holes again. Double penetration. It never looks like there’s too much lace because it’ll cross over the existing laces anyway, and then you tie the laces on top of that.

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One of my fave scenes.


Dunking on Richie in this one. Is he still on Death?

Top of the list:

When I was younger i always tied single knot and usually left top eyelet empty regardless of how loose/inconvenient this makes the shoe.

If lace is too long like @buildafire said, then I cut the lace down and fit a new aglet on the end.

And no I’m not joking. But I had a lot of spare time in those days.

Completely different rules for skate shoes tho

Time-rich or not, do you have a machine for that? I tried it once and it seemed to be completely impossible to do it without it looking complete shit.

They were boiling water jobbies afaik, seemed to come out ok


Nothing really to do with GH but this is temporarily the T*m P**l thread i guess.

Great background/explainer (aside from a misjudged attempt at a Russian accent)


Would he repost?

Repost what? The Patreon videos?

yeah the deedz one

It was on Patreon so I doubt Joa will post it publicly.

Until I went slip ons only I always tucked my laces in! Hate how they looked tied and also they always came loose.

I somehow got to 50 years old before this shoelace related game changing epiphany. If your shoelaces don’t look right when tied, like the bow sits at an angle and they come undone all the time just do the first knot the other way round.


The Tom Knox video was always coming.


Rainbow Swaglord diss was heavy

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I get his point about the VX