Heroin Skateboards, Swolan.

Stealing this quote from the Earth Goblin thread…

Uk heads (Avi, Pulman, Fos and Questions) have a trick or two about 3 minutes in.
Not really my cup of tea but a few mad bits interspersed with diy boneless stuff.
It’s deffo me that’s out of touch here because I don’t know who any of the new riders are

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Heroin maybe the only non-nostalgia deck brand that can pre-sell any of its products? Don’t know if that’s 100% true but my experience suggests so. Definitely in a class of their own when it comes to being able to design and sell skateboards.

Preferred heroin when it was all British street skaters.

Also, I’ve never seen a clip with as many feet or hands on the floor or with 2mph ride outs.


Nolan’s part was wild, his ender took me by surprise.

I’ve asked Fos if I can work with him and do a purely Heroin U.K. video with Dave, Craig, Tom Day & Pulman (maybe with a worldwide team montage) but it’s just getting out and starting on it.

Video was a fun watch, seeing any Avi footage is golden. Not a fan of phone and GoPro footage though.