it is absolutely insane how far you can get in europe on trains that are both a good service and a decent price. then you try and get a short train ride in the UK and it’s either cancelled, delayed or bus replacement - all while costing an absolute bomb even weeks in advance and outside peak hours. if i want a last minute train from Cambridge to London during peak hours (roughly a 1 hour journey) it’ll cost well in excess of £100
My monthly train ticket for work of about 40mins each way costs €77 and my job legally has to pay half of it.
I can get to the other major city in the south of Estonia, 2 hours away, for about 13eur pretty much all day long
Prices in the UK are disgusting
This idea seems to be very popular with politicians at the moment, I guess they really are desperate to preserve this ludicrous status quo.
The idea that businesses would leave a major business market if they’re “taxed properly” has to be one of the most effective global gaslighting examples going
Yea but if it makes it better they decided to stop running the train through my local station from today in the mornings with no warning so I have to cycle up the massive hill to the main one everyday now at 5.30am
Hall of Fame Tweet right there
Obviously no introduction needed as we’ve all heard the sample right
The usual shit then. Selling all the utilities off has been so badly done that for once I think all sides of the political spectrum should agree that it has been a shitshow. No amount of anecdotes about power cuts in the 70s or bad sandwiches on British Rail trains can work now.
I’m not sure if I’m even surprised that the US are still sending weapons and money to them.
They can’t join until the war is over though, right?
Israel says it has recovered body of a hostage from Gaza Israel says it has recovered body of a hostage from Gaza - BBC News
Woah, that’s going to change things a fair bit right?
A critical person might look at the timing of that…
Yeah, potentially another excuse for yet more bombing. What a mess.
Desperate times for the Tories now.
Why isn’t this whole thing a bigger story? Why is he resigning rather than being chucked out of everything pending police enquiries?
Hopefully it blows up soon. How many rotter can be in parliament.
Oh, lots and lots.
More energy company profits announced yesterday.
Privately owned, tax dodging, regime bribing, Swiss head quartered, UK-managed Vitol group made $13 billion profit last year. I wonder how much of that will make it into the UK tax coffers?
These are the same guys prosecuted for ‘oil for food’ dodginess, and who paid Serbian warlords millions to secure oil contracts.
Almost unbelievable that this company is still operating let alone making record profits with barely any scrutiny due to them being a private company. This is a clear case where the world needs to know exactly where this money is going because they are selling natural resources we all need and can’t choose not to consume, and I would bet my house they are not paying as much tax as we all think they ought to!
Without sounding too much like a tin hat theory is it outside of the realms of possibility that MPs use apps such as Grindr to securely message each other away from prying eyes? Or have a been watching too much prison break?