In trick descriptions is it a 'thing' to change stance?

Proper dweeb question but there it is lol.
In a trick description i’ve always been under the impression that stance remains the same all the way through the trick.
For example you’d never call a fakie flip nose grind a fakie flip switch 5-0.
I see it more and more now that people break this (such as in the Nyjah thread, no disrespect).
Perhaps i’m wrong and its interchangable but i dont ever want to see a Switch Nollie lol.

Told you it was a dweeb question :slightly_smiling_face:


I think its a generational thing…feel like it sorta appeared a bit in the late 2000s with “Frontisde 180 switch Five O” which was always frontside ollie fakie nosegrind before.

Personally, I’m old school in that I think a trick is only switch if it is popped switch, but sometimes it can be tough to describe without flipping stance.
Like…Frontside 180 Switch K is a Howard Grind. But what do you call the backside version??? Backside Howard? No one does that.

So, that view of mine is updated…say whatever you like. So long as it gets the point across. It doesn’t matter. Frontside Indy the fuck outta everything. Whatever.


They were taking about this on tampa am qualifiers on Saturday ( manny, pudwell and zitzer) The consensus is it’s generational

Guess that just means im old then. :sweat_smile:

Because Indy airs are always backside. There is no frontside indy.


I grew up on Transworld magazine and they were very strict about trick names from what I remember. Unfortunately editorial guidelines aren’t a thing on Instagram really, and God knows what people call tricks on TikTok.

But I agree with the above - stance stays the same. Trick names are confusing enough as it is without changing stance halfway through the description


Haha ain’t we all. They were all saying they had different sayings for the same
Trick combo and that they’re also from different eras , laughing and agreeing it is what it is .

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But frontside and backside exist (and did in the eighties).

This whole ‘it can’t be one way’ is such bollocks. If grinds can be frontside and backside, grabs can be as well.

/frontside cabs out the post]


You’re right. But that doesnt change the fact that when it was first done it was named a particular way for a particular trick.

You could say its like an indy but frontside. But its not a frontside indy. Its like having a giant dwarf.


But the backside direction is included in the trick, Indy air, name.

Because of olden day rules.

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Someone is going to bring up a Nollie Cab and Im going to lose it.


fakie frontside ollie is like, totally backside

Somehow the berrics is to blame for all of this


Having flashbacks to the fakie backside hurricane/fakie backside feeble debacle

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I started in 2000 and im firmly in the switch 5-0 gang. Saying nosegrind feels silly to me. Nose = front of sk8bord to me.

I know it’s wrong but whatevs, generational ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Well i started in '98 and know switch 5-0 is fully illegal.


It must be '99 when it all went down hill then :sweat_smile:

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Well I’ll be jiggered


Some things can never be forgiven


I think I noticed in the Nyjah section something I don’t think I’d seen before, and the only way I’d describe it is sw ollie to fakie fs crooks, revert out. It’s definitely tweaked out like a crook, but would that in proper vernacular be a sw 5-0?