Instagram Blowouts

Name names then, don’t be shy, none of us know who you’re talking about so we all just assume. I can probably safely say that i’ll be in that list ha. Seriously, no beef from me towards you, I actually like your shit on here but a call out is a call out then we move on.

You’re not to be honest. I ain’t gonna name names because the same people get called out over and over and I don’t want to continue this discussion or create more venom towards anyone.

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Then don’t be so ferocious towards a crowd without the balls to pick who actually needs the telling off.
I personally don’t see any problem with anyone on here. Some weird skewed opinions on certain things but then perfectly healthy views on others from the same person, we are all different and we’re constantly changing.

Name names Blinky haha

Hmmm… hehehe

I can accept that I’m probably unintentionally prejudiced, I’m a privileged white straight male.

I’m definitely not butt hurt though, I love everyone.

As Hugo said below, I think we all are unintentionally prejudiced on here, you, me, hugo, blinky, everyone, it’s normal and it’s all based on our own experiences. No one is perfect, we’re learning every day we chat.
Me and blinks are cool, don’t you worry about that dude

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Well that’s interesting interpretation, I didn’t say it was not normal, I said it wasn’t the norm which has a different meaning. Nice attempt at twisting words there.

It is the norm, so most people are in fact gay, ok then…

Twisting words really helps in debates such as these.

Yeah, we all call each other out and rightfully so, it’s the way we can see other sides of the argument and if you feel you were wrong on anything you can change and learn. It’s perfect.
Blinks has a good head on his shoulders no doubt and is a valuable part of this group we have same for you innit.

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I think Jagger means being gay is normal.

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I read somewhere that everyone is a little bit gay.

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3 sisters, that’s my excuse.


The thing I find interesting about this, it’s a discussion for women and people of trans to have. If women push to stop them from competing, are women going to be labeled prejudiced privileged females?

Yes, the norm is what usually happens for most people I’d say, not that confusing. Does that mean it’s abnormal that there are minorities? Not in my opinion.

What the absolute fuck is this farce all about?


It’s a topic anyone can talk about but decisions need to be made by the people in question for sure.

Shut it and get back to playing FF :wink:

Well then I shall beg your pardon!

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