Instagram Blowouts

Puleo posted the same trick on his Insta a month ago and I wanted to drive to a spot where I could try that but it was raining that day and the weather has been crazy whenever I had a day off ever since. I want to do this.

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Wait, Puleo did some kind of mirrored version of it. I want to do both.

Pretty mad.

What’s crazier, skating the Clipper ledge switch or rocking Axions in 2021? Both require considerable recklessness.


Hate to be that guy but in no way does that count. Front tuck was no even close to being locked in.


This latest version of Axion doesn’t count either.


Had no idea they’d built all that new shit up the back.

Nasty all over but you know, lots of skateboarding is like that now, even the people who tried to keep it legit have had to dabble in the cringey side to get views. Skateboarding is changing people and I while I like to see people do their own thing, when it comes to certain things I just want to cling to Mummy like the first day of school.

It’s Anderson Pereira that Brazilian former favela/gang guy. Great story.

Looks nuts

Didn’t JT spend ages getting his impossible 50 on that with proper truck lock in? People need to do their homework before taking on such legendary spots.


He did it first go after getting the non-locked in one

Also who the fuck calls themselves Anderson Steeze


Ah, I stand corrected.

Could be a good name for a dog.

Isn’t it Anderson Stevie? Did I miss something?

I’m still trying to work out the point of the Polish pilot.

Just thought it was nuts. Zero relevance to sk8 sry

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Mr Sheen?