Instagram Blowouts

He’s so good, I always thought of him as gnarlier aussie Omar Salazar.

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F (some of) TP.

That is disgraceful. Hopefully with Biden things like this won’t just be brushed away so quickly

Not much use tasering someone when you’re laying on top of them

Or smacking them round the head with it.

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This incident is horrific but the description on the Instagram post call skateboarders a ‘minority’ (as in comparable to African Americans etc.). I don’t agree with that. At all.

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That’s pretty grim. However, I do find that people calling for the police to be ‘defunded’ have no clue what they are talking about. They are basically calling for anarchy

These are the times we live in. If you don’'t like something, it needs to be completely destroyed. Everything to the extreme, since that takes a lot less thought and looks way better on your socials.

Get rid of the police and you have mob rule

Didn’t they try that in America a few weeks ago?

In Portland:

I mean, they are anarchists.

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This is a common misconception about what defunding the police means. It really means gradually reallocating funds meant for the police to services which could help prevent the roots of crime; community centres, youth clubs etc.


It also makes much more sense in an American context where police funding is massive and they can buy military-grade weaponry essentially.

I think you maybe misunderstand what the term means, it’s not about getting rid of police. Defunding the police means taking money from the police and using it to pay mental health specialists so that when someone is having some sort of phychosis or breakdown, they have someone suited to the situation to deal with it rather than a policeman with a gun. Or when someone has experienced domestic abuse, a specialist trained to deal with incidents like this are the ones to address it rather than a policeman who has no formal training in such areas. Defunding the police means putting those public funds into creating resources that deal directly with the problem rather than the police being a complete solution to any crime. Which I fully agree with!


Can you give me an example of this in practice? Somewhere where this has been implemented

Interesting. Would you feel safer in a community which is run more by social workers than police officers?

This article explains the different channels of support that would be funded and applied to different crimes and needs of the people

The police still exist, just there are different levels of expertise that have more specialist training and knowledge to deal with the correct situation. Kinda like how we have three emergency services, police, fire brigade and ambulance services- we would have more option to call for example, a crisis squad for mental health, or a department to deal with violence and drunk fights, or a more specific burglary department.

I think the USA has the worst example of not having this system, in which police with guns and aggression are called out to the most minor of cases and go in all guns blazing which makes most situations worse. For example that skateboarder getting tasered and his face beaten for skating on a road instead of just having a traffic warden or anti social behaviour expert give him a ticket or to have a decent convo with about the dangers of skating in a road rather than being rugby tackled to the floor and arrested.

The SNP council here have defunded the bin collection, if that’s comparable. Recycling every two weeks now, normal bin every other two weeks and glass bin every 56 days. All the public bins in the streets are basically buried under piles of rubbish. Brilliant. It’s like 1976 here.