Instagram Blowouts

I only went to Fort Miley once and we got kicked out by the park ranger before we could skate but those banks definitely looked hard to skate, and the drop the other side of the rail isn’t cool at all.

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I like this guy


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Casual frontside flip over the channel. That boy is like the Tom Penny of bowls/vert

Second trick in this


Fuck that was amazing. Looked like a snowboard trick

Mad. Frontside 270 to…boardslide?

Looked like he was going to snap his neck or spine! Nuts

How would it be a boardslide? 270 backlip the hard way surely?

Because of how he approached the rail. Normal stance.

It’s an alley oop 270 to front board. Pretty nuts.


Naming this one is a bit fucked.

I can see an arguement for Alley Oop 270 lip, too.

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But there is no lipslide element. Its not hard. It just looks like a switch back lip in that freeze fame but follow through with what it actually is, not what it looks like.

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Frontside 270 to front board.
That Rabelo dude was well competitive and acted weirdly at the Slides & Grinds thing in Brazil, seemed like a dick.

I watched the whole thing. Cookie’s skating is too subtle to get good scores in Street League shit but I’m so glad he skated.
11:00 for his line and 40:55 for his last single trick. So good.


Yeah fair, looking at it again makes more sense. 270 front board the hard way

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Strong core muscles lol

That was a typo. It meant to say Alley Oop 270 Boardslide.

I slipped a disc watching that


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That switch front crook transfer holy crap