Instagram Blowouts

Haha yeah I had the 100% too. So good

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All that needs saying isā€¦Dime.

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That is insane. At the end of the power slide he was going so fast I was genuinely abit concerned he was going to whizz straight out of the transition over into the train track

Pritch finds the first ever Panic deck.

Already gone, but stoked heā€™s set his strava to miles instead of km.

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A crime. Itā€™s KM.


Brexit means Brexitā€¦ miles!

What was Pritchardā€™s first Panic board, the pint one, boogie persona Pritch, the cartoon drawing of Pritchard? Or one I canā€™t think of?

Well the story has gone now. Sorry about that think I was a bit late. Might still be on Facebook? The board was a prototype so just had a big oval with ā€˜panicā€™ written in it.

Think his first board was the hamsters one.



The first one was the pete Fowler drawing of a geezer saying ā€˜tidyā€™ in a circle no?

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Yeah I think it is actually. I would have said that too but didnā€™t trust my own brain so when I went to the artofskatebording website to get a pic and saw the hamster one I posted that.

Yeah pretty sure tidy was his first graphic because city surf reissued that for their 30th anniversary.

Thatā€™s the board I meant by the Pritchard cartoon drawing one.



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That was very nice, but would you say that thereā€™s a wee teeny bit of afterschool modelling going on there, or is that just his natural unforced style? Like is he consciously exaggerating the twist + knee bend on the landing? Genuinely undecided (not that it really matters anyway).

I had the same feeling with some of Dylan Reiderā€™s clips where it seemed like heā€™d kinda cultivated this slow-motion twisted hunch thing after landing what was already a really good trick.

Both are/were obviously incredibly talented skaters + able to rattle-off incredible stuff in a super nonchalant way anyway, so maybe Iā€™m just nitpicking or seeing stuff that isnā€™t there. What do yous reckon?


Iā€™d say that if you canā€™t say for sure then you have to give them credit for a nice looking trick, but maybe for some even the idea that heā€™s putting on some kind chosen style would put them off.

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You gotta love him for trying but I canā€™t help wondering how long Muskaā€™s farmer phase is gonna last.

I canā€™t wear a white hoody going about my normal day never mind agricultural work.


ā€˜#muskabeetsā€™ hashtag made me lol.


It feels contrived to me, like heā€™s making love to himself while skating or something. Sick skater, sick trick, nothing really bad to say but Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s natural. Or maybe he wanted to skate like that, kinda forced it/worked on it for years and now does it naturally?

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Itā€™s hard to do a manual without nonchalantly landing.

Seems fine to me.