Instagram Blowouts

He is! Still works at Caterham and still running Drawing Boards. He’s a dad now too

Thats great. He had/has so much love for the stuntplank! Tell him Deacon says hi, if you bump into him :v:

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What the?!

What are you what the-ing?

Edited this a few times because I respect how serious (rightly so) these issues are and I don’t want to come across as ignorant.

I can’t remember seeing a skate event/demo (or any event for that matter) that explicitly stated which gender and race you have to be in order to be eligible for a free board.

Nah I get it, what you’re saying is all skaters matter.


I get what you’re saying - there’s the danger if you try to be specifically inclusive, you end up barring people unintentionally.

With this for example, no luck if you’re a straight, poor Asian kid I guess.

But the good intention is there

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I think with their whole company being outright an advocate for supporting minority groups it makes sense that they would try support those who might not have seen themselves heavily represented within skateboarding until recently


Someone said “What about a poor Asian child”.

They deleted it and I wrote this hours ago but became busy and didn’t post.

Very stupid post:

Not having a go but that statement is sooooo generalized and unspecified that it really feels like it’s just to imply that a young “Asian” child is a more serious candidate rather than the “yet another LGBT attention pitty party”.

Ok, in the UK in general Asian refers to South Asian nationalities. In the U.S. it generally implies East Asian countries.

Leamington, Brum and cov have taught me that most Indian community constitutents all provide financial and moral support for deprived families in their neighbourhood.

Look, when I’m being pointed and laughed at every day in shops and on streets depending on the person giving me abuse the most important and educational reply I use is “50 years ago you’d be pointing and laughing at people with different colour skin to yours!”

If it’s some teenagers up to 40 year olds I often spray some bars acapella…if they are actually good humans they love it…if they are bitter and twisted they stop laughing and blates look jealous and hate that I’m actually good at what I do.

I accept racism is arguably worse than transphobia in the states depending on where. In the UK though…that is nonsense. The amount of people who were chirpsing up about BLM then turn around and show totally opportunite standards towards the LGBT community is soooooo shallow. I have called many people out on it and they literally say they’ve got a hard life…if these idiots spent one day in my shoes…they would never laugh at a trans person again. Might get a hidden camera and show people what shite I deal with EVERY single day …it’s mental. 50 years ago they were pointing, laughing and becoming violent towards people with skin colours different to white. Same shit different social group.


Apologies for posting shit from my own insta but can anyone else think of another documented inward heel nose manual?


I can mentally picture one but for the life of me I can’t place it. Vans video? Real? I feel like there’s one up a ledge at the start of a line

Specifically asking about regular inward heelflip to nose manual. No other variation of it. Nollie inward heel to nose manny is a common one.


I want to say Mikey Wright at the Works but could be making that up

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Micky Papa some flip-in shit

not seen this before, precise tech

A great quote I saw on Slap the other day


Last time I saw Micky Papa at Street League he did a kickflip backside 5-0.
That’s like having 5 million pounds and buying new jeans in Primark, then celebrating with a Heineken.


the Lev caption “Stevie Williams not making hardflip nosegrind revert was better than Chet Thomas making it” also made me giggle


Suciu blacksmith to back noseblunt on a skatepark round rail (not down stairs)Does this link work?
Haven’t got the mental capacity to scroll up and work out how to actually post the insta video in this thread without it turning into a still picture


Hahaha, splendid!

Back Smith into all the regular bluntslide variations.
Not the tastiest combos but the nerd in me is so glad he’s doing that sort of shit.

His mirrored wheelies at Pier 7 (first two tricks in this section) were so dope, I love that stuff.


So he’s branched out from his usual pigeon hole as skateboarding intellectual to also have a go at being a medieval manual worker making his own rails to noseblunt?

‘’Shout out to those who’re multi talented’’ - Jerom Wilson.