Instagram Blowouts

Hate it, also hate shuffling pre flip trick.

I don’t care if it means you’re consistent.

I’d rather do 1 good kickflip in 5 than 5 boring ones all exactly the same because you shuffle your feet into the exact spot every time.


Fuck. I miss MJ. Has he turned his back on skating since the getting on Adidas debacle?


Thanks. I never saw shuffling as anything positive, it’s just stinking. The way MJ does that foot placement thing is the zenith of board control and style in my eyes.

I don’t know what happened to him. For a while after that adidas thing I was like you can’t separate the art from the artist and thought he was an imbecile but I recently started watching his old parts again and holy shit, what a fantastic skateboarder. Definitely one of the most inspiring of our generation, in my book at least. His Man Down section is probably in my top 10 of all time, with Gonz in Video Days and stuff like that.


Agree however I love shuffling on manuals for some reason. Think it looks class!

as much as i love to see pro’s move their feet as little as possible i cannot do any trick without extensive shuffle. skating is a mind game and the foot shuffle is a big part of it for me. i’m way past caring what anything looks like

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Oh man, I’m more than happy to see you shuffling like you’re having a seizure, it only bothers me when it’s done by people on Thrasher for example, people who should be doing shit like MJ but don’t, and we’re all exposed to a lot of horrible footage with Instagram these days, plus sometimes it almost seems like not being stylish is the new being stylish. Weird era. I’ll stick to MJ in Man Down and Gonz in Video Days I suppose.


Fuck yeah. Whilst I watch quite a lot of skating it mostly falls into two categories - old skate videos that I love and mate’s Instagram clips. The IG stuff stokes me out loads because it’s normal people being messy and having fun. The old skate videos are what I grew up with. I don’t really have time or inclination to watch much else really


I didn’t see ‘mad shuffling’ there though, he locked into the noseslide, put the flipping foot forward with one motion and flipped out.

I’d agree that seeing someone adjust numerous times until they finally get the right position could be a bit ugly looking though.

Makes a lot of difference if it’s just one foot adjustment vs both feet. Both feet is just a dead giveaway how woefully unprepared you were

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I am trying to think of an iconic trick that involved foot shuffling?


Yeah that was my point, I wasn’t really talking about that clip in particular but it made me think about all the shuffling we see everywhere.

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This guy did very well to avoid any shuffling when you consider some of the tricks he did:

Spots: Pyramid Ledges | Quartersnacks

Brandon Turner & Peter Smolik - The Storm on Make a GIF


What are all the cool kids / Supreme lot doing in Edinburgh? Just seen KB post on IG

Fancied a couple of battered mars bars and an irn bru

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Battered Mars Bars are absolutely sensational.

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KB on the Bucky will be interesting


Can’t believe this is serious.


omg the comments are gold






That’s down the road from me in Quinton. Might check it out!


Funnily enough and as weird as it is, I’d also like to try it out!