Instagram Blowouts

I’m guessing this is the same as that Facebook thing years ago where everyone posted a disclaimer for their photos but it was all pointless?

Seems to be gaining traction in IG at the mo


This will defo stop Meta in their tracks :+1:t3:

Bunch of muppets everyone reposting it


I hate that shit - you’re on an app owned by Meta - don’t start trying to pretend you’re Batman.

Kony2012 etc

Fucking gadgy off Spaced Nick Frost put up an embarrassingly earnest video of him reading that out earlier. You know what would really stop Meta training our future AI masters? Deleting the app but you, like me, are not going to do that do stfu thank you.


That’s it , it’s free for anyone to use but on their terms . Would be a whole different issue if everyone had to pay.

Is he not joking? I saw that earlier and presumed he was taking the piss. Didn’t watch it all.

Which is also free and updated regularly but somehow people think there’s going to be no kind of trade off.

‘Gadgy’ haha, not heard that for a while. He has changed a lot.

"Please re-gram and together we can protect those pictures of food you took and the blurred images from Cath’s hen do. "

He’s taking the piss :crazy_face:


Depressing seeing people you actually like post this as if there isn’t a myriad list of terms and conditions you’ve already agreed to where they could technically use your shit to do whatever they want anyway.


Yeah that’s on me for only watching a bit. Obviously he’s taking the piss


You are far more likely to have real life repercussions from the shit we post on here rather than you are from a picture of last nights dinner or a bit of average skateboarding.

Maybe we need a keyboard warrior disclaimer for this place?

“I’m nice IRL”

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a few years (and jobs!) back, I came back from an extended toilet doss break to my office desk to find a print out of a sidewalk interview sellotaped to my computer screen with a highlighter pen marking the conversation between interviewer, me and friend about the amount of time I spend at work hiding in the toilets looking at skateboarding and Instagram.


Where do you think sitting on the bog ranks in your daily activity log?



I fucking wish I got 9 hours of sleep


Career highlight.

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I wish I only worked 2.6 hours. Chart’s a bit mad.

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Reminds me, when I did five months of a six month trial at a call centre in 2008 I got the internet banned for the whole floor after being caught too many times on N26. Fuck those people anyway, absolute worst Michael Fabricants.


Recently learned that ‘gadgy’ is a bit of gypsy vocabulary used to describe normal folk


In Scotland it means scumbag.


I read this and in my mind I heard this tune

Anyway, carry on

Edit: I’m working from home today, so I am free to dive down any internet rabbit hole I want, and have just discovered that Storybook International was written by Barry Levinson, director of Rain Man and Good Morning Vietnam. Well I never.


Still stoked that Anon/admin gave the option to change the N26 theme to white from black as my boss kept seeing my screen go black on the CCTV camera anytime anyone walked out of the room.