Instagram Blowouts

Beautiful. Did you see the text on the YouTube page?

‘Everyone is wearing low top Adidas’

Rodney Mullen & Brian Lotti at Danny’s Ride Away in Levittown, NY 1992.

I took the bus out there from Babylon with my friend Angelo Alfieri. There were no obstacles but a pallet in the trash. Brian got us so stoked. Tim Gavin tried a backside heelflip noseblunt slide on it. Rodney blew our minds doing tricks we never saw before. I believe this was pre- Questionable. Being in the NY pre-internet-we hadn’t seen that stuff, yet.

It wasn’t just tricks that inspired us that day. At one point you hear someone say ‘Everyone is wearing low top Adidas’ We took note. Some of us that lived in the Babylon / Bay Shore area knew a sneaker shop in Gardiner Manor Mall that I think was a front because they had nothing but deadstock starting from 1980s Airwalks going all the way back to Adidas, Nike, Puma & Converse from the 70s & early 80s. They were $20-$30 for the most part & a perfect place for us to dress like the Cali pros before these sneakers were re-released during the grunge & rave explosion.

Guy Mariano & Rudy Johnson were there, too but did not skate. They did however go to K-Mart nearby & return with white t-shirt packs and put them on. Half the demo ran there to do the same.

My friend Angelo also bought a copy of Tim & Henry’s Pack of Lies that day.
It was a epic day for us kids having our minds blown.


The guy has another great video on his channel. Jeremy Klein in 1989 is so ahead of the times.


Bastien. Macba. Flip Back Ts


Beaut of a cover


No carriumas on his feet still . Nice :ok_hand:t2:

In the new Reynolds shoe that NB have been trying to keep so secret!


Front side flip in the vert bowl ilicited very big WHAAAAAAT from me


Backlip was a thing of beauty too

It’s like seeing a long lost love across a crowded bar…

Really hope that the video that Flip are working on around him isn’t far off.

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Yer every clip of him is gold.

Imagine how good that Fs Flip felt.