Just Drifting with Woodley, Ben Broyd & Henry Fox

This deserves a thread.
James Woodley’s redemption arc is pure gold - first full part since Unabomber’s Headcleaner maybe?
Broyd and Henry kill it too.
Amazing spots and brilliant filming and editing from our own Chris Emery (who used to post iirc).



Go on the lads!

Need O’Dell to do an Epicly Later’d on Woodley. 10 part series!


Sick interview re the making of up too


Big up Woodley!

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To those unaware of James’ back story and his road from pint-sized sponno to jail and back, have a read here.

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The Woodley arc. Such a fan.
Mariano had like 11 years between parts…Pah. Fuck that. Move yer big arse over Mariano. Woodleys on 23 and not even claiming it hard.

Noooo, not 23. I saw him in Barca when I went for my Bday with my ex wife. We were sat on Placa Reial fountain and she said “wouldn’t it be weird if we saw someone we knew” So I looked around and saw Woodley sat next to us. Said our hello’s and moved on.

EDIT: you said between parts, not since he stopped skating. pfff.

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Yep. That’s what I said.


Only just got around to this. Incredible, loved it. Just a shame Cod couldn’t have gone for a West Mids band (PWEI? :wink:). Actually quite emotional. Loved Broyd’s bontempi vibes. Last trick was beyond nuts.