Music that you feel compelled to share (live versions only?)

I’m b) but I’m not going to be a bell tonight, promise!

I fucking love the old and early TV slots that Joy Division played, I genuinely rewatch them wondering if my mum was into it when I was a baby haha. Can’t ask though. How does it feel live is well funny (edit - Blue Monday has always been ‘how does it feel’ in my head), same complete shambles. Love them.


Thank you for ressurecting this!

Heres some…Stuff they’d play often but just next level performances…


Arrrgh……gonna be a late one haha

3:00 - 3:30 on Blue Monday, Bernard just laughs at the shambles but it’s great


Always appreciate a revisit of the Lithium one hahaha

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“Available for bar mitzvahs…”

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Will def add these to my YT ‘music’ playlist to watch later (possibly* with responsible boozes).


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The Macclesfield Metronome! A truly astonishing stick man.


I’ll add these too as as I seem to play them often (will skip the Sophie EB cover of Pulp’s Do You Remember The First Time for now).

I especially like this A one as it’s filmed from the same place I stood when I saw them in Norwich on the same tour…

Jesus Jones. In a pub.

Stephen Morris is an absolute machine. I always find live versions of this song hilarious because Stephen is going off yet it always sounds like Bernard has never picked up a guitar before

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If CorpseHands were still on here, he’d have a bunch to add. He’s got a ton of full live shows and has pulled out some cracking stuff from their sets for me, before.

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Just finished this, slightly slow start but a great read, some mad stories


A lot of good things in this…

And this


Yeah they were something special. Pretty amazing considering how young they were and as they say themselves just total idiot lads

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Might as well…

“Fucking kill you!”

“There’s a lot of mouths out there in the dark”

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I love how a lot of their live versions have different tempos. Like the Shadow play you posted is faster than the Granada TV shadow play. Great stuff.

I remember New Order as a kid (I’m born late 1977) on the TV but only really listened to Joy Division in the last 10 years or so. Something in the way by Nirvana is so good - my mates were into rock, hip hop myself, freaks as everyone else was into rave/dance at the time haha

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According to the YouTube comments, this performance is mentioned in the book. Something about being hungover and getting stuck in traffic on the way to the BBC studios. Hence the anger


I think the speed they played was directly related to how pissed off the drummer was.

Must be in part 2 of the book

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I think I’ve posted this JD/NO cover before but it bears reposting because of:
a) insane tempo
b) anger

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Tangent, new order in Neil blender’s g&s part playing in the skatepark

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With the feeble through the corner.

“Hendrix? You’re my main man…”

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