NB Numeric "Intervals"

Premieres on Thrasher’s YT channel at 9am (US time) apparently.

Amped for this and obvs needs a thread…

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Inadvertently read a spoiler over at slap which is annoying. I know one trick for each skater now, thankfully not Enders. Hyped.

Surely most of their recent photo coverage will be in the video, too?

I think premiere is 5pm UK time.


Mega excite!



Yes!!! One for later on the big TV.

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It isn’t 5pm yet?!?


Email came through from Thrasher with an unlisted YouTube link in it

Now THAT was a skate video. Fucking nuts. Not too long. Big guns.

I’m exhausted, in a good way.


I want Tiago to get SOTY but I can see why Foy’s probably snagged it. Era defining part/year from the man.

Made me realise how much the world needs a new Westgate part too.
His first spot :exploding_head:

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Westgate first trick. Ooof.

Tiago was amazing.

Foy tho…


Why I’m hyped. He’s gnarly and there isn’t a footage barrage from him.

really wanted to see the crazy brick bank spot that Westgate slammed on. Shame he didn’t get what he wanted. Place looked insane.

Will watch again later, I half watched it while cooking.

Loads of clips popping up on insta. The fuck???!!! One of my faves if you can’t tell :rofl:

Westgate never disappoints. What an incredible video.


Tiago’s switch fs flip over the bar was 10/10 (:wink:)

Fuck me , the foy face melters! He’s come a long way since king of the road . What a legend. Has to be soty

And westgate :heart_eyes: man ! Still absolutely ridiculous.

Great vid that .

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Incredible skating as expected, actually probably even crazier than what we expected!
I didn’t like the editing, far too much slo mo for my liking but I’m not gonna complain, it’s a free video.


Westgate’s first ollie was unreal. What a first trick for a video.
I liked how they all did next-next-next level shit at spots that have been skated for decades (Pulaski, that ledge off stairs in Manhattan, the Bay blocks, etc).
Tiago’s ender shouldn’t have been his ender, it was really sick of course but not that clean maybe? Yeah yeah I know I shouldn’t say that. Whatever.
Foy’s frontside bluntslide on that double kink rail, holy shit. Still can’t believe he did that. His ender was a real ender. A basic yet classy trick on one of those things every skater in the world would see and be like “Oh, imagine if someone could…” and Big Boy Foy is the one that can. So ill.
Oh he did a PJ grind on that rail in NY too. Banging.

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